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I'm sorry this chapter is short, I wanted to move things fast so the story can more faster ;-; butttt this story hit 1k reads :D thank you guys sm i literally didn't plan this story to go anymore but i'm glad people are enjoying it :)) the next chapter should be a lot longer since a lot will be happeninggg
enjoyy <3


I walked through the double doors of the biggest mall of my state with everyone. Our jaws dropped at the size of it and the interior design. Stores filled all three floors of it along with many other people. I turned around looking at my group of friends.

"Okay so guys go do your thing and we'll go do our thing and we'll all meet back here in 3 hours to eat. If y'all need more time just let us know." The group separated into two groups. "And I swear we better not have to pick any of you guys up at the office." I point out knowing that they will most likely be fooling around the whole time. (Which already had started since I saw Sasha and Connie filming a video and laughing their asses off, hitting each other as Jean stood in the back admiring himself on the screen.)


We all split up and explored all three floors, going in every store that was selling formal or party dresses. Slowly each girl in the group had started to find a dress until I was the only one without one. They had started to get tired so decided they would go to the meet up spot until everyone was there. Leaving me to search the rest of the stores.

I glance around the third floor, passing a bunch of stores as I see one that stood out from the rest across the level.

I make my way to the entrance and immediately see a very familiar hair cut and recognize the clothing as well.

Why is he alone?

"Do you need any help sir?" I place my hand on his back and spoke with a soft voice to mask my usual one.

Levi's head whipped to the side, looking at me. His face went from serious and focused to soft and comfortable.

"Why are you alone?"

"They were doing a bunch of dumb shit so I decided to go on my own."."I could ask you the same thing." A small smiled appeared on his face.

"Well the rest of the group found their dress and I didn't yet so they went to where we're all meeting up." He replied with a simple 'oh okay' before I started speaking again. "By the way we never spoke about a color for homecoming." I smile and slip between Levi and the racket of clothes, wrapping my arms around his torso.

"Well what color were you thinking?" He played with my hair and placed a kiss on my forehead before stopping and continued to look at ties.

"Um I'm not too sure to be honest. I was just gonna look at dresses and see what I liked." I brought my phone out of my pocket to check the time. We still had an hour and a half until the time we were all supposed to meet up.

"Okay lets go then I'll help." He grabbed my hand and brought me to the other side of the store which was filled with a variety of dresses. Long, short, long sleeve, short sleeve, sleeveless and many different colors and designs.

We looked through many racks of dresses and I kept mental notes of what I was looking for and what I wasn't looking for. After a while of trying some on, I couldn't decide between two dresses, one burgundy and the other a dark emerald green. (if you don't like the color that is chosen you can choose :))

I stood in the changing room looking at both dresses which were hung on the wall. Observing them both, pointing out what I liked most on each. On top of wanting to look good, I wanted to be comfortable and not be dying to take it off.

I look in the mirror and stare at my reflection. The way the green dress fit me was perfect and seemed to suit me way more than the other one. I grab my phone and take a quick picture to send to the girls since they weren't here to help me choose. I take the dress off and get dressed back into my normal clothes.

Levi lightly knocks on the fitting room door. "Oi y/n. Which one are you taking?"

"The green one. It's comfy and I look better in it." I bring my shirt over my head and fit my hair in the mirror.

"I'm sure you look good in both brat now can you pass me it? I wanna see if this tie is the same color." He sticks his hand in the gap on top of the door and I hand him it. "Thanks love." My heart warmed up at his nickname choice and I smiled as I sat to put my shoes on.

I lace my shoes before grabbing the burgundy dress and placing it on a rack outside the fitting rooms for unwanted items. I look around the store for Levi and see him at the cash register.

He's joking right.

I make my way over to him as he turns to grab the wrapped up dress and bagged tie.

I grab his wrist and look into his eyes. "You're joking right? Levi that dress was more than $150."

"Oi let go I don't mind, it's no big deal." He grabs the hanger the dress was on and whips the dress behind his back, holding the bag with his other hand. Along with another bag.

"What's that other bag?" I point at the unfamiliar black bag that was quite small.

"My mom wanted me to pick up something for her." He puts that arm out to me, allowing me to interlock arms with him. I nod and we make our way to our meet up spot.

"By the way did you get a haircut?" I remove my hand and place it on the back of his head and scratch it, feeling the softness of the freshly done undercut.

"Yeah my mom cut it."

"Oh okay well you look cute." I ruffle the top of his head before interlocking our arms again and noticing a faint red color spread across his face and cheeks.

Even though he probably didn't try, he never failed to make me find him adorable. I'm in love with everything about him and the way he does everything.


I get home and go straight to my room. I hang the dress behind my door, taking notice of the black denim jacket Levi had gave me on our first date. I put it on and lay on my bed, full from all of the food that we had eaten when we all met up. The faint smell of cologne made me happy. I was genuinely happy and was so glad I wasn't known as the 'new girl'. I had formed a whole friend group that wasn't toxic and were all fun to be with.

Everything was going right for once.

I stared at the ceiling, slowly drifting asleep. My eyes were heavy and my body was too tired to even twitch. I wake myself up and take a shower before passing out with Mochi on my side.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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