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I sat down at my usual spot at the table with Levi sitting next to me in the dimly lit kitchen. My mom had left us alone at the table, giving us time to talk but my dad had came in.

"You guys are home!" He smiled and looked at his watch. It was smart that Levi decided to bring me home early so that my parents would get a good first impression of him and wouldn't think he was irresponsible. Levi smiled at him while I took a bite of my food. My dad filled a glass with water and walked into the living room.

"You're so awkward around them." I joked and nudged him with my shoulder.

"Tch says the one who had a whole argument with my mom." He gave a cruel smile and took another bite of his food. I pouted pulling my phone out and took a picture of him as his mouth was stuffed with food and started to giggle. "Delete that shit right now." He whisper-shouted being cautious of cursing near my parents as he tried to take my phone from me.

"Nope I think it looks good." I laughed as I faced the phone screen to him and back to me, allowing him to catch a glimpse of the picture that was now set as his contact picture. He wore a poker face and stared into my eyes emotionlessly but his face lit up once an idea came into his head. He pulled his phone out, tapping spots on the screen until he stopped and just stared at the phone. He smirked as he turned the phone to face me and turned it back around once he saw my jaw drop. "Stop." I dragged my cheeks down with my hands as I faced him. He chuckled as he took another bite of food. He had taken a picture of us while I was sleeping at the park. It was a cute idea but my hair was all over the place and my face was squished against the blanket while Levi's head was laying on the side of my stomach. "If I knew I looked that messy when I slept, I'd never sleep in front of anyone ever again." I let out a sigh of irritation.

"Well I think you looked adorable." Levi took the last bite of his food, emptying the plate. I shook my head smiling as I finished my food.

Once my plate was cleaned Levi took it and brought it over to the empty sink.

"What are you doing?" I looked up at him. He just looked at me as he grabbed the pink, silicone dishwashing gloves and put them on. "No you don't have to." I got up and tugged on his shirt.

"I want to and I'm gonna," He turned the water on and soaked the sponge, placing dish soap on it. "Plus it's the least I can do since you're mom let me eat dinner here." He started to thoroughly scrub the plates and forks. There was no stopping him so I stood behind him and hugged him, laying my head on his back. I hadn't noticed before but I was able to feel his slight abs that were coming in through his white shirt along with a long necklace. I traced his abs with my finger before he quickly glanced at me over his shoulder, as the water stopped running. "Having fun there brat?" He chuckled as I quickly let go and blushed of embarrassment.

"I didn't know you had them.." I shyly said as I looked down at my feet crossing my hands behind me. He took the gloves off and leaned his back against the counter facing me.

"It's fine love." He smiled with soft eyes and opened his arms a bit. I waddled into his arms and placed my hands on his shoulder blades as I laid my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around my head as we stood there until we heard the floor creaking nearby. We let go from the hug and I pushed myself onto the counter next to him, right before my mom walked in.

"Everything okay in here?" She asked smiling at Levi and I.

"Yeah we finished eating so Levi's probably gonna head out in a little." I smiled at her and Levi gave a nod, agreeing with me.

"Okay that's fine! I leave you two alone now, I just wanted to check up on you guys!" My mom walked away back into whatever room she had come from. I stretched on the counter, still tired from earlier. Levi turned in front of me and rubbed my sides as I continued stretching. I let my arms fall onto his shoulders along with my head. He pulled away slightly causing me to look at him. I tilted my head in confusion thinking he had pulled away to say something.

𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚋𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝙰𝚝𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 | 𝙻𝚎𝚟𝚒 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now