Chapter 9: Where I'm I?

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With the PAW Patrol...

"Let's see what his pup tag shows us." Ryder suggested. He turn on the screen. 

"It looks like Chase wasn't moving." Marshall said, "And he the sea?"

"Chase, come in Chase, do you hear me?" Ryder called Chase, but the screen shows that there's no signal coming from Chase's pup tag.

"C-Chase?" Skye said, no response.

"Huh, maybe we can go check the place where the signal was lost first." Ryder suggested, "Okay, Robo-Dog, bring the Air Patroller!"

The sound of engine was heard outside soon after, and with a thump, the red-and-white plane landed in the garden (idk if it is a garden or not) of the Lookout. As soon as the wheels hit the ground, the back of the Air Patroller opened, and the pups and Ryder entered the plane. Ryder opened the GPS of the plane and directed where Chase's pup tag lost the signal.


The truck that carried Chase has stopped, and Chase has woke up as well. 

"You paralyzed me again? Like, for the second time!" Chase complained, "You know to much of anesthetic can kill me, right?" 

"Well, about that..." William said, "'t really know...hehe." Chase then rolled his eyes. 

"Well, enough talking. Boys, take his cage to the cabin over there!" William commanded.

"Sir, do we take that pup as well?" A man asked.

"Yes of course! What are you thinking!" Willian shouted.

"Sir, yes sir!" The man replied, and went to carry the cage down.

"That's why I would rather hire dogs, than those humans." William thought.

As Chase "entered" the cabin, the inside was way different than the outside. The outside of the cabin looks very old, vines wrapped around the edge of the roof, and a few windows was cracked, but you can't see inside because the curtain has blocked the view inside. And when those men stepped on the porch of the cabin, the floor was cracking A LOT. But with the inside, there was a jewelries-made-chandelier hanging on the roof, lightening up the whole room. The walls was painted grey, no stripes, just pure grey.

William then lied down on a brown couch, which seemed to be made of leather, he let the men put chase (and his cage) down on the floor. William drank a cup of milk, and got up.

"Well, that milk sure was tasty!" William said, "You want some?" Chase just shook his head. "Oh well, I guess it's just gonna be me!" He then grabbed another cup of milk and finished it pretty quickly.

"Okay, we're going down!" As he said that, the floor begins to drop, like an elevator. A few seconds later, they have arrived at the bottom floor. 

"Okay. Now boys, put him in the cell!" The men did what they was told.

The room was dark, you can barely see anything in here. Chase heard the sound of metal hitting each other, and he heard a few growls, which made Chase shiver.

"Stay here, if you come out..." one of the men said, "then you'll feel the worst of you life!"

The sudden rose of his voice made Chase shiver again, he just nodded. Despite the guards can barely see him. "Very well, now I'll leave you alone..." The guards said, "in a cage! Muahahahahaha......."

Before the guards left, they said: "I'll check you in an hour!" And with that, they close the only light source.

Now the whole room is completely dark.

"Skye, where are you..."

With the PAW Patrol...

On the way to the spot where Chase was lost, Skye had butterflies in her stomach, not just any butterflies, but the drunk ones. She was really worried by now, the pictures of Chase flooded her mind.

"Chase, where are you!" She called out.

"Skye? Is that really you?" A dark figure asked.

"Chase!" She ran to him with tears, but when she thought she's going to be hugged by Chase, he disappeared.

"I'm sorry Skye." The dark figure the faded away, in the the light, which leads to endless space.

"No Chase, please don't leave me. Please!"

"Ahhhhh!" She opened her eyes only discovered, every single pup, and Ryder, was looking straight at her.

"Skye, are you okay? You screamed so loud." Ryder asked.

Yeah, I-I'm okay Ryder, I'm okay." She responded.

"Are you sure? Because you were sweating a lot." Ryder asked again, confirming.

"Yes, I'm fine, thanks Ryder." She then said.

"Well, for safety, let's have Marshall give you a check up." Ryder suggested, and Skye nodded.

Marshall gave a check up to Skye, but all results says she's fine. "Yep, Skye is all right!" Marshall said. He then got closer to Skye and whispered to her: "I know you miss Chase, and so do I, I bet I miss him even more than you. But we have to calm down, so we can focus on finding him." Hearing that, Skye felt a lot better. She then buckled up, and dozed off soon after.

Now the only ones awake was Marshall and Ryder. "Is anything wrong with Skye?" Ryder asked.

"Nope, just worried about Chase." Marshall replied.

"I know, we all do," Ryder sighed, "I love him, and I don't want to lose him for the second time, you know."

Marshall unbuckled himself and jumped on Ryder's lap: "I know Ryder, I know. We will find him, right?"

"Yes, we will." Ryder scratched Marshall behind his ears, "Now let us hope he is okay."

Meanwhile with Chase...

Chase's POV

Now I am all alone. No light, no friends, no family, no...hope. I don't know when I will get out of here. Maybe this is my destiny, I will just be trapped here, and...die here.



"Chase! Where are you!"

Marshall, I'm here, I'm right here!

"Chase! Can you hear me!"

Yes Marshall, I can.

"Please, where are you!"

I'm right here, never gonna leave you.



"Oh Chase, where are you!"

Skye, come here.

"I miss you Chase, please be alive!"

I am Skye, till the end of your life.

"Please Chase, please tell me you're going to unite with us."

I will, I promise.

"No Chase, don't go."

I will never leave you.

Ryder, pups, I will fight my way back, I promise.

Yay! Another chapter done! Autocorrect: short chapter. Curse you Autocorrect!!! Finally, after a month, this chapter is out! And sad news, I probably will not gonna update until May. Why? Because I have a contest coming up. What contest? Math contest. Sorry guys. Well, I hope you have a great day/night!

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