Chapter 7: The Plan

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"Hey Skye!" "Yes Chase?" "I've wanted to tell you this for so long, but I never had the chance, I want to tell you, I love you." "I'm sorry Chase, but I love Rocky." "No, nononono!"

Chase's POV

"NOOOOO!" Oh, it was just a dream, no, a nightmare. I looked at my clock, 5:30. "Well, I guess It was too early for me to wake up the others!" I said to myself as I went out of my pup-house. As the sun rise, the morning dew damped my fur. I sat on the edge of the cliff, feeling the wind brushing through my fur, hearing the waves crashing onto the rocks, it was rather comfortable. I closed my eyes, "Oh Swift, I'm sorry that I ran away that day." I said to myself.

Skye's POV

I woke up at 5:40 for some reason, but I just couldn't go back to sleep. Oh well. I went out of my pup house to take a walk around the Lookout. As I approached the back of the Lookout, I saw a German Shepherd sitting on the edge of the cliff. It was Chase. I walked over to him. "Hey Chase."

Chase's POV

I heard a voice calling me from behind and immediately I knew who it was-----Skye. "Hey Skye." She sat down beside me, "The sunrise is beautiful, right Chase?" 

"Not as beautiful as you." I mumbled. 

"Huh? What was that, Chase?" She asked. 

"Uh,! I said nothing!" I lied, trying to hid it. 

"Okay? Chase, as everyone says, you may be a great detective, but you're not good at lying." She said, not believing what I said. 

"Uh...i-it's really, nothing." I said, still trying to hide my feelings. 

"Please Chase, just tell me. You'd do anything for me, right?" She asked while she placed her head on my shoulder, which made me blush.  

"Yes Skye, I will." I answered, looking away. 

"Then will you tell me?" She begged. 

"I-I'm sorry Skye, but I just wasn't ready yet." Oh, stupid Chase, you had the chance and you wasn't ready? 

"Oh, okay." Skye said, I can hear some disappointment in her voice. 

"Skye, you know that if I could, you would be the first person-uh pup to know this." I said, trying to cheer her up. 

She just smiled at me and cuddled my chest, which made me blush again. But this time, redder than Marshall's fire truck. "I'll take that as you're happy again." 

"Yes Chase, I am." I laid my head on her head, we stayed in this position for a few minutes, and my eyelids is starting to get heavy. I looked down at Skye, who is already asleep. Soon, I fell asleep too. 

"Chase, Skye, where are you guys!" A voice came from my pup tag, which made me jump. 

"Sorry Ryder, we were just watching the sunrise." I said. 

"Oh, okay. Anyways, Chase, I think it's time to wake up the other pups!" Ryder said.

"Okay Ryder Sir, will do!" I said while hanging up. 

"Looks like you got scared, Chase!" Skye teased. 

"Hey! Not funny!" I playfully punched her shoulder, "Anyways, I think we should head back, or else Ryder will be real worry." 

"Yeah, let's go." She said as we walked towards the Lookout. 

I put on my gears and barked out my microphone, "PUPS, IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP! BREAKFAST IS READY!" I called out, although breakfast wasn't quite ready. 

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