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Courage is the power to let go of the familiar

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Courage is the power to let go of the familiar.
-Raymond Lindquist

                                                  -Raymond Lindquist

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Damien Moore
Same Day - 4:00 PM

I pulled up in the driveway in front of me and Joy's home. My eyes had widened as I saw all my clothes across our front lawn.

I got out the car slamming the door behind me as I was about to walk up to the door I see Joy sitting on the steps with a pre-rolled blunt between her lips.

"Get your shit" she spoke calmly. "Nah fuck that Joy! Why the hell is all my shit across the fucking lawn" i said clenching my jaw.

She stood up getting in my face. Lighting up her blunt she inhaled slowly before exhaling all the smoke in my face. "I said get your shit...GET YOUR CHEATING ASS OUT" she yelled with tears streaming down her face.

"Ch-Cheating?? Baby w-what are you talking about?" I asked getting all nervous."

"CHECK YOUR CALL LOG NIGGA!!! Oh and before I forget..." she pulled the engagement ring off her finger and throwing it at me. "YOU AND THAT BLEU HAVE A NICE LIFE....AND WHEN I SEE THAT BITCH ITS ON SIGHT"

She started going inside the house but came back out with more trash bags just throwing it out. I kept trying to stop her and try to talk to her but she just wasn't having it.

 I kept trying to stop her and try to talk to her but she just wasn't having it

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Rodrick Moore//Roddy
4:30 pm
Janelle's Bedroom 📍

"Roddyyy" Janelle moaned out as I kept kissing on her neck. We just finished having sex and honestly it was a very intimate moment for the both of us because I know in my past I had a few shares with woman here and there but with Janelle it felt different because I wasn't just fucking her we were actually making love.

 We just finished having sex and honestly it was a very intimate moment for the both of us because I know in my past I had a few shares with woman here and there but with Janelle it felt different because I wasn't just fucking her we were actually...

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"Let's go one more round baby girl" I started trailing this kisses from her neck to her chest. "Baby, I would love that don't get me wrong but my legs are tired and I'm getting hungry" she poked her lips out.

I gave her one more kiss before I got out the bed. I grabbed my boxers pulling them up. I looked over my shoulder seeing Janelle biting her lip with the covers over her chest.

"Don't be looking at me like that".. I walked over to her kissing all over her face. She giggled as she pushed me back. "Now I'm going to the kitchen to whip up a little sum sum, just sit there and get some rest I'll wake you up when I'm done okay?" She nodded her head giving me a quick kiss before I walked out the room and straight to the kitchen.

I opened the fridge and decided on making some omelettes I know it's like around 4 pm right now but a nigga really want a omelette right now for some reason. So I'm going to make one for me and one for my little baby.


Minutes went by and I finished making Janelle's plate and I was about to start on mines before I saw her waking in with a blue silk robe on.

She sat on one of the stools in front the island as I placed her plate in front of her. Her plate has freshly sliced strawberries and orange slices with her omelette. She thanked me as she ate a strawberry.

"So, I'm going to get myself an omelet you want anything else? I asked her as I turned around grabbing a plate out the cabinet

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"So, I'm going to get myself an omelet you want anything else? I asked her as I turned around grabbing a plate out the cabinet. "Don't ask me that question" she stated with a small smirk across her face.

I leaned against the counter while holding on to my plate and asked her again but more seductive. "Would you uh, like anything else?"...

She bit her lip getting up from her spot to walk around the island as I just kept my eyes on her walking up towards me. She grabs the plate out my hand placing it down the counter and her other hand pulled my boxers down.

 She grabs the plate out my hand placing it down the counter and her other hand pulled my boxers down

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To Be Continued
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• Joy kicked Damien to the curb...Ring and all 😗😗😗

• Joy also mentioned about fighting Bleú the next time she see's her.

•What's going to happen next between Damien and Joy???

• Roddy expressing his intimate moment with Janelle 🥰😩

• Simonè & Dave for the next chapter or ???

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