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"I love you and that's urgent like a motherfucker."- Darius Lovehall

Janelle Eeva Browné 7:30 pm Apartment 📍

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Janelle Eeva Browné
7:30 pm
Apartment 📍

I was currently in the kitchen fixing myself a little snack when I heard my phone go off. I placed the knife down on the on the cutting board walking over to the island.

I picked up the phone seeing it was Rodrick calling. I smiled as I answered on the second ring placing the phone against the cookie jar waiting for it to connect.

"Hey Roddy" I waved and smiled at him.

"Hey Janelle, I was just calling to let you know I'll be over around 8 to pick you up" he spoke.

"Okay great, I'm almost done getting ready I just have to get dressed" I said.

"I'll text you when I'm around your way. I can't wait to see you" he said staring at me.

I started to blush then looked up at him. "I can't wait to see you too" moving my hair behind my ear a bit. We said our goodbyes and hung up.

I looked over to the clock checking the time and it was already 7:30. So I grabbed my sandwich and ran into my room to find an outfit.

I already did my makeup. It was a soft glam natural look. I started getting dressed.

Janelle's Outfit

Janelle's Outfit

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