My life with Tyler Anderson and co. - Chapter 5

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Suddenly I heard a screech from behind me. It was Krisanne. She hugged me so tight like she hasn’t seen in ages, well yeah, we haven’t meet in ages.

“Hiiii Kris.” I said through my nose as I couldn’t really breathe with her hugging me so tight. “You are chocking me.” I croaked.

She left instantly. “Oh I’m so sorry, I’m just so happy to see you.”

“Yeah me to.” I replied.

“Okay, give all the latest news about you.” She said as she jumped up and down like a maniac.

“I will, I will at home because it’s to much to explain and we’ll be late for class.”

Krisanne had the same class as me which was economics, but she couldn’t sit with me as our sir wanted to sit in front, as she was new.

“So the supply curve…” sir kept explaining and I was surprisingly listening. Until I got a message.

I pulled out my phone but kept it low under the desk and saw it was from Kris.

Hey wazzup u actually listening? Strange!

I replied,

Yeah, do I have a choice? Hey can I ask you sumthing?

yeah sure.

Ummm… what is “D in D?

She turned to look at me from her seat in front, a devilish smile on her face

OMG!!! Is sum1 takin u der?

Well…yeah a guy I noe is takin me 2day. Wat is it?

If I tell u it wud ruin evrythin. All da best!!!

“Erika what was I explaining just now?” Sir asked me.

I had absolutely no clue what he was saying and just said the first thing that popped into my head, “Due to the fall in price the supply curve would shift?”

 “Yes, pay attention.” I was surprisingly right.

Kris sent me another message saying, “

R u a vampire by ne chance?


The last class was math, with Jake.

Jake came and sat next to me. The class began and the teacher began teaching which I wasn’t the least bit listening to. Suddenly Jake looked at me and winked and whispered

“Its show time.” He took my book and through on the floor with a loud bang.

The teacher immediately turned around from the board came up to me and asked “What did you throw your book for?”

I quickly recovered from the unexpected thing Jake did and answered “I…I didn’t throw it, Jacob did.”

“Did not!” Jake said in his defence.

“Did !”

“Quiet you two…” the teacher said “Detention both of you. NOW!!!”

I got up, picked my bag and walked to the detention room. I reached the detention room and I saw that I was the only one there with a really old teacher, no wonder she is in detention. Looks like she has never been out the detention.

I went and sat on the second last seat. Jake came with a wide smile and sat behind me.

“Hey.” Jake called from behind. I just ignored him.

My life with Tyler Anderson and co.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon