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Corbyn's POV
"I love you Max" I say before I hear the phone getting taken away from her.

"Now Corbyn, 12 wallow street in 2 days. We'll see you there" was all he said before hanging up. I through my phone and fell to the floor crying, she's gone my baby girl they killed her, they killed Daisy.

Now I have to make sure that Max kills me, it's selfish I know but sometimes the selfish thing is the best thing to do. I need to save my friends, I need to save Max.

God what happened to me I used to kill every living thing in sight, I used to hate everything and everyone I used to be heartless and now Im risking my life to save my friends, I guess I changed

She changed me.

How am I going to explain to everyone that I need to die? And Dylan he's alive, he was my best friend my partner I'm glad that Max is with him they can help each other

What about Ally after all these years to find out her brother actually alive god people just can't be dead on this town can they.

I don't wanna do this anymore I just want to hug Max and tell her everything's going to be okay. I know I need to fight but I don't want to, I just want this to be over.

I walk downstairs to see everyone in the lounge room even Ally she hasn't left since Max got taken, I don't want to do this "guys we need to talk" I say

"About" Luke asks

"Max" I begin "Chris called me they have her she's safe b-but th-they killed Daisy" I felt my eyes getting glossy

"Oh my god Corbyn are you okay" Ally says getting up to hug me

"It's okay, but Ally Dylan's alive" everyone looked at me in shock

"What? Corbyn what do you mean" she questions

"He's alive and with Max, they have to fight tho against us because it's either they fight with us and we all die or against us and only Luke and I die" I explain looking at Luke I see his face drop but I kinda figured he already knew he was a target.

"And Max has to kill me or you all die" I say with my head down

"What, so they kill her daughter and force her to kill her boyfriend" Jonah says

"We aren't letting that happen" Daniel argues

"Yes we are, it the easiest way and you guys are safe" I protest

"Corbyn you can't be serious they killed Daisy and your just going to let them kill you too" Zach states

"Yeah and think about Max how will that effect her" Jack adds

"Don't you think I've thought of that, god she is all I think about that's why I'm doing this for her it's the easiest way" I explain not expecting them to let me do what needs to be done

"Your not doing that Corbyn" Ally says

"We aren't letting you" Luke adds

"Then what do we do?" I ask frustrated

"We fight Corbyn, promise us that we fight them and beat them" Jonah tells me

"Fine but if we loose I'm doing what I have to" I say

"Okay" he replies, everyone fell silent not knowing what to say. I see Zach stand up and walk upstairs and I follow him pulling him in my room

"Corbyn what the hell" he snaps

"Zach listen to me, I know you and Max were the closest and I need to know that she has someone" I start "so Zach promise me that if anything happens to me you will look after her for me, that you'll protect her"

"Corbyn I promise that if anything happens I will alway and I mean alway be right their for Max when she needs me" he smiles at me not a happy one a sad one knowing that he might have to fulfill this promise, I really hope he doesn't.

Awww Zach and Corbyn

Heartless~ C.M.BWhere stories live. Discover now