Episode 16: Centimeter

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After dropping Ruka off at her house, you decided to head back to your own little home and, upon arrival, you found Chizuru and Mini sitting on your couch. Their expressions differed greatly, with Chizuru looking as if something had slightly angered her at first, and now, it has piled up until she became angry at everything, and Mini... well she just looked like her usual self, so you didn't mind her much as you entered and greeted the two girls.

Y/N: "I'm back now, is there something wrong?"

Mini: "Oh hey~ NB."

When saying that, Mini sort of just turned to look at Chizuru and winked at her—not very discretely—and it appeared that Chizuru herself wasn't in on the plan that Mini had concocted in her head, so she just crossed her arms and sighed disappointingly.

Mini: "Ah, can't even help around here... Oh! Yeah, Chizuru lost her keys to her apartment, so she has no way to enter it!"

Now realizing why Chizuru was angry, you looked at her and started thinking about what her sudden loss of keys could mean, but as you started to dive deeper into your thoughts, you started seeing things that were nice and weird, and some of them involved Mini for whatever reason, so you quickly stopped and brought your attention back to the matter.

Y/N: "W-Well, what are you going to do?"

Chizuru: "I'm not sure. What I do know is that, if I don't find them, I'm going to have to sleep outside."

The ever-so casual Mini stepped into the conversation as smoothly as a hot knife slicing through butter and proposed a very interesting idea. Standing perfectly straight and with a confident voice, the short neighbor looked at the pair with a smirk and spoke.

Mini: "Or! And hear me out on this... we could all sleep together! A neighbor sleepover!"

You and Chizuru, as if connected mentally by an invisible thread, just collectively looked at Mini and, in unison, asked:


Mini: "W-What's with that reaction!? And those faces! Yes, all three of us! It'll help me stay away from my computer screen and it'll help you two by... let's just do it! Please?"

You already knew plenty about Chizuru, and she knew much about you already, so there wouldn't be much to talk about in that regard. Although not necessarily opposed to the idea, Chizuru would prefer to just spend her time to try and find her keys, but seeing as she's already spent plenty of time doing that already, she simply nodded and decided to go along with it. You sort of wanted to agree to it, since you haven't been spending much of your free time with a group of people in a calm and fun way, so you finally nodded to confirm that you'll indeed go, or stay, depending on where this 'neighbor sleepover' happens.

Mini: "Great! I'll bring my stuff, be right back."


Just as Mini had brought her stuff back, wearing some cute, animal-themed, pajamas that most definitely fit with her personality, she sat on the floor and set a blue sleeping bag for her and her alone.

Mini: "I only got one, sorry!

In reality, she had another sleeping bag, but desperately wanting her plan to work, she resorted to simply not bringing it and awaited for love to bloom.

Chizuru: "That's fine, I can sleep on the couch."

Mini could not believe that the existence of the couch escaped her mind, so she gave herself little imaginary slaps as a way to punish herself. Had she not brought the sleeping bag, she could've taken the couch and the plan would've worked, but she had to keep going.

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