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"Soo...what bring your here? Is everything ok?"


Hongjoong pov:

Seonghwa looks at namjoon hyung and I dont know what happens, but next thing I know is that hyung excuse himself and told me he's outside if something happen and silence fell on us again.

I kept observing seonghwa who was looking at his intertwined hands placed in his lap and biting his lips.

I clear my throat and he immediately looks up at me with wide eyes.

"Ahh.." I started but was cut off by seonghwa who look down again at his lap and adjust him.


"Mhm.?" I answer in a curious hum. He continues.

"I-I need to tell you s-something." To say I was shocked is understandable, seonghwa, THE SEONGHWA, whos known as the heartless killing machine at the age of nine was now stuttering... really?

"Hongjoong?" I was brought out of my thoughts by his voice and I look at him to see hes looking at me with worriedness.

"You ok?"

"Oh-huh? Oh yh! I am! Sorry.. plz.. continue..just..got trap in something" I blush from embarrassment and its my turn now to look down.

I heard his chucking which makes me look at him. Its been years since I had heard these beautiful sounds.

He smiles when he find me looking at him. I was soo shocked by his sudden change in attitude towards me that I didnt even react. I even realize when his smile turned into a frown and he stood and sits besides me on his knees and foot and grab my hands which are intertwined in my lap with his. Looking directly at my eyes. I look back at those deep eyes, which held soo much in them. I felt drowning in them.

He clears his throat again making me blink aa few times and reality hit me making me blush more if that even possible but this time I held his gaze.

We kept looking at each other's eyes what feels like years but to be honest it will be only few mins.

He started talking more like whispering, loud enough so only I can hear. It looks like he doesn't want even walls to hear us.

"Hongjoong... I always push you away, but you kept coming closer to me, more closer...then before... every time you came,....you become more important for me... I dont know how-i mean why-Argh! I dont know what to say to be honest!" A small smile made its way on my face. He hasn't change, even one bit.

"Hongie.. lets just say..I wanna apologi-" he was cut off by namjoon coming in room with hurry, me and hwa stand and I look at hyung state.

I can tell its something bad..

"Hongjoong! Your f-father!-"

I felt like every thing stops....

At hospital- with yunho:

I was sitting in san and jongho's room will they both are cuddling sleeping on one bed, yes on one bed.

What did you expect? Anyways.. my thoughts drift to that day...

When heium- I mean dad woke up and I finally met him.

Yes dad..


I enters the room after a knock to find heium laying on bed and he look slightly better. Hongjoong sitting on his right side on a chair. And smile when I enters. He said and look at his father who nods and he walks towards me and stop in front of me. Hongjoong place his hand on my right shoulder and smile again.

"Try to understand and forgive yunho... we are brothers after all." And after patting my shoulder two to three times he left closing the door. I stood standing there, not knowing what to do until I heard a manly, small but warm homely voice. Making me look at heium who points to me the seat where hongjoong was previously sitting. I make my way to that seat and sit not sparring a single glance.

Until heium clears his throat and started talking. I look at him but he kept looking at the ceiling with a feeling in his eyes which I couldn't understand.

"You look like her..... your really her son." I am sure I saw something shinning in his eyes.

"You and w-wooyoung are his sons.." at that I notice how much wooyoung and hongjoong match him.

Wooyoung has his father sharp jawline with eyes while slim nose and body curves like his mother-our mother. And hongjoong also resemble his father.

"If only I worked harder.. " his voice starts breaking.

"If only... I-I had done more to find her... to-to understand that I h-had a s-son w-with her... if only.." he looks down and close his eyes. I unintentionally grab his right hand with my both still looking at him.

"You have done what you could.." I myself was shocked at the words, heium looks at me with... gratitude in his eyes.

"Thank you... I am soo glad my son has a brother like you, please...forgive me.. i-i promise when I get well and wooyoung's back I will be the parent he never had-" I cut him maybe a little rudely but I didnt want to be rude to be honest, it just came out.

"He never had parent.." I realize immediately and find heium eyes wider slightly and he looks down for a sec before looking at me with a small frown.

"I am so sorry..."

"Its ok.. but please.. if you really want to do something, be a father to him, cause you are his biological father after all." I said, heium just smile at me.

"I will prove it to you. I promise. And oh! When your ready and think of me as a father you can call me dad or father anything you want anytime." He smile making me smile as well.


After a week I observe heium involve trying to find wooyoung on his own. Ofcouse he didnt make it obvious, I spy him lets just say.

And I truly felt hes trying. He is really a great father. It makes me happy that my woo will have a father soon. But woo..where are you my dear? And in what situation are you? Plz be ok...

Whenever I visit him, he acts like a caring father, I never had also.

Flashback ends.

A smile appears on my face without me noticing. I was cut out by a nurse coming into the room, she looks in a hurry. He runs to me, out of breath, making me confuse, I also stand. Jongho also walks up as due to noise while san kept cuddling to his side, sound asleep.

"S-sir.. your mister.heium family?" I couldn't help but nods nervously after looking at jongho who looking at us with wide eyes.

"Its an emergency, sorry for disturbing you.. but.." she stops making me frustrated.

"Whats wrong? Just say it!" I snap at her.

"Hyung.." I release a frustrated sigh as jongho tries to calm me down. I close my eyes and nod my head and look back at her and ask again but with a polite voice this time.

"What is it?"

"Oh! Yh! Mister.heium is in critical condition and he asked for you.." my eyes wide at her statement.

I look at jongho and he nods at me informing that I should go, he will let others know. I also nods and follow the nurse.

San also woke up due to all the fuscle and ask jongho half sleepy who looks to call someone.

"Its wooyoung's dad." San eyes wide and he sit straight as well not caring for his wounds.

"W-whats wrong w-with him?"


Hello! Such a drama.. plz tell me is it getting boring?

I am trying to write more and update but couldn't found time.

So bai!


1322 words.

Unmatched Brother's Love~~The Secrets Told \\ ateez fanfic.[complete]Where stories live. Discover now