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"You're heading out again?" I heard Yangyang's tired voice and nodded while putting on a jacket. "Be careful alright. I know that you can defend yourself but i'm sure you and i know who's stronger"

"I know Yang. I'll be back, i promise" i left after hearing a hum in response and went to the same place, the school garden.

I stared at the night sky as i stood in front of the fountain. Somehow, i always end up here whenever i can't sleep and though it's dangerous for a human to be out at night, i don't see a problem in that.

"We've met before, haven't we?" i turned to the owner of the voice and was surprised to see Mark Lee sitting on one of the tree branches, legs dangling and his back leaned against the trunk.

It was a slight challenge to see him under the shade especially since it's dark out but his orange eyes glowed brightly in the dark, similar to that of Jisung's.

I shake my head silently, trying to hold the nervousness as i now sat on the foundation. We may have passed one another but we've never had a proper conversation.

"Please take care of Jisung" he says softly and lets out a gentle smile, catching me off guard. I was about to process that until he suddenly disappeared into thin air. I just sat there, stunned.

"I'm guessing you've met Brother" i jolted at he voice that greeted me. I turned and next to me sat Jisung.

"Brother?" he heaved out a sigh.

"He's my older brother. Sad to say, no matter how annoying he is that i want to kill him, he's my blood" i raised a brow at him.

"But you two don't have the same surnames"

"We do. We're just using our current ones for school" i wanted to ask what but i could feel something holding me back, as if just knowing his real surname would mean to step into the vampire world, something i know i should stay away from.

"Why are you looking for me?" i asked, fiddling with my fingers as our eye contact still remain.

"I don't want to lose you again" i just stared at him as he said that.

What does that mean?

"I've lost you once and i don't want to lose you again" i didn't know i was crying until Jisung wiped his thumb across my cheeks, wiping away my tears that i didn't know fell from my eyes. His hand went down to hold my hand in his huge ones, slowly bringing them to his lips, gently landing a kiss on the back of my hand. "I'm not going to lose you again, i promise"

More tears streamed down my face and i don't know why. This feeling is so familiar yet i can't pinpoint to any memory i currently have.

"W-who are you?" he didn't answer yet he stayed till i was calm. He just sat next to me with my hand still in his and my head on his shoulder.

This warmth... why does it feel so familiar?

When i've finally calmed down, he stood up and was about to leave when i held onto his shirt again. "I-i've been having n-nightmares" he stopped in his tracks. "A-are Sicheng and Yuta really my parents?"

He stilled for a second before slowly turning to me. He seems to know me really well so i think maybe he's got something to do with my nightmares. "You really want to know?"

I nodded eagerly eventhough a little part of me doesn't want to know the truth, afraid of its consequences. All i want to know is why i'm having these... nightmares.

Jisung heaved out a sigh again before concern shows on his face. "I want to show you the truth but im afraid that it'll be too overwhelming" now he's making me really curious. He saw my frown and smiled. "One day, when you're ready" he gave me one tight hug and a peck on my forehead before disappearing, leaving me in a blushing mess. I place a hand over my rapidly beating heart. Who really is this man to me?


"Hey, did you guys get this?" i lifted a pink envelope with a unique stamp on its back to seal it, showing it to Yangyang and Lucas.

They began digging in their lockers for one and retracted their hands with an exact replica of the envelope and frowns on their faces. I opened the envelope and pulled out a black card with golden letters written on it, handwriting as though of one from the olden days. I want to think of it being printed but as i touched it, i could feel the ink.

You are invited!
Venue : The Moon's Mansion
Time : 12 am

A frown remains settled on my face as i scanned the invitation card with suspicion. The other two too fished out the same black card and they were confused as i were.

"The Moons?" i frowned, feeling as though i've heard that surname from somewhere before. We looked around the hallway to see the other students casually going about their day.

"Are we the only ones who received this?" Lucas asked. I have a feeling this has got something to do with Jisung. If it does, i get why Yangyang would get one too but, why Lucas?

I look to Lucas and he was already staring back at me, as if having the same thought. With no words spoken, his facial expression just screams 'why me?'.

Just in time, the night class came and the girls squealing at the mere sight of them begun. As they passed us, Jisung broke from his group and approached me. Same goes to Xiaojun and Hendery, they approached Yangyang.

As for Lucas, he just watched as the rest of the night class walked past him without sparing him a glance. He scratched his head in confusion while looking at the black thick piece of paper in hand again.

Upon Hendery's chuckle, Lucas turned to him and raised a brow. "Don't worry, they will pick you up at your dorm"

I look to Jisung who was already staring back at me. He noticed that i was still confused and chuckled. "My parents are holding a soirée at our house and we're allowed to bring our plus one. You wouldn't mind coming with, right?"

My eyes widened when he mentioned soirée. "I mean, i-i don't mind coming with b-but a s-soirée? Isn't that only for higher ups like you?"

"It's true but our plus ones don't necessarily needs to be someone of a high status. They could be a slave for all one know. Furthermore, there are people i'd like you to meet. They could be the ones from your dreams" does this mean that the people in my dreams are aristocrats?

"My real parents... they're aristocrats?" He only shrugged.

He knows. He fucking knows

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