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Staring at my reflection on the mirror. I slowly adjust the bow tie before pulling it off with a sigh, deciding against it. I then thought about the people from my dreams. I may not know their faces, but i know their voices. That's a hint at least. I glance at the clock to find that i have five more minutes to collect myself.

I'm finally going to meet the people who i somehow have a connection to

"Hey, you look great" Yangyang compliments as he looks at my maroon suit. "We may have to be in a room full of vampires but if anything, you know the blame is on the night class students"

I hum in response. "I know. I also know that they won't let us die on their watch anyway" i turn to the opened door of our balcony. "It'd be a bloodbath if so. Purebloods are the highest ranking vampires. No turned vampires— aristocrats or no— would want to go against them"

A knock was then heard from the door and Yangyang went to open it. "Oh look, our supposed dates are here" i look up and meet eyes with Jisung.

He looks stunning in his black suit with his pink hair styled. He lets out a small smile and i return the gesture. Yangyang had greeted his soon-to-be boyfriends with a hug and lightly nagged at Hendery for not doing his hair.

"You two ready?" Xiaojun asks with both his and Hendery's hand out for Yangyang to place his. I walked over to Jisung after taking my belongings and he hands out hand too with a little bow. I place my hand in his and both Yangyang and i nodded.

While walking down the hallway of the dorm, Lucas surprised us when he suddenly joins us with Chenle. So he's the one who invited Lucas. We did our handshake and went out of the dorm. Everyone's asleep except us who's going to the soirée. Getting on the chauffeur, we were met with Jeno and Donghyuck before it heads off to the Moon's Mansion.

Pulled up to a mansion, i must say, it honestly looks more like a freaking castle. Jisung and i waited for everyone to step out first before exiting. He held out his hand for me again and i gladly took it with red cheeks. Linking my arm with his, we enter the mansion and into the ballroom where the event is.

Upon entering the ballroom, i could tell Lucas and Yangyang was scared as i too was when all the hungry crimson eyes laid on us, silence filling the room. My grip on Jisung's arm tightened while i glanced around the room. I then felt a finger under my chin, making me face him.

"Divert your attention from them. They're of no importance" he said and i nod at that.

Everyone soon continued about their conversations and i went to get food since i was hungry. Well, i need not worry about all the other vampires as Jisung will be watching. Lucas and Yangyang joined me too and we picked out our food. Heading back to Jisung, i was met with a familiar grey head.

"It's you again. Hey" Mark greeted and i only gave him a small smile, going to stand next to Jisung. He has an arm wrapped around his boyfriend, Jaemin, who greeted me with a small smile too.

I nudged Jisung and he turns to me with a raised brow. I cut a piece from the sliced chocolate cake and offered it to Jisung with a smile. He gladly accepts it, an arm suddenly snaking around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"When's Father going to arrive?" Jeno questioned as he walks towards us, the rest joining.

Chenle shrugged. "Should be anytime now"

"Is Sungchan and Shotaro still not here?" Xiaojun asks and everyone shrugs.

"They're upstairs" i glanced up and just like Mark said, they're looking over at us from the second floor.

"Your parents?" Mark asked Hendery.

He nods in return. "They're here. Sungchan's should be here too"

Soon, the two big doors to the ballroom opens. Everyone in the room begins getting on one knee with their heads bowed down in shows of respect to the incoming of the vampire King and Queen. I felt a little exposed not getting down on one knee but Jisung and his group didn't. Same goes to Sungchan and Shotaro on the second floor. They just watched.

"Said so much about expecting us to be early" Donghyuck said and the rest of the siblings nod in agreement. When he said that, the queen sends a raised his brow his way and his son only gave him an innocent smile in return.

Only when they reached the front of the ballroom, the other vampires then rise to their feet. The queen of vampires, Queen Moon Taeil, looks around the ballroom, giving me a smile as his eyes lands on me. I tensed at that. Does he know me?

"Thank you all for gathering here today. I just want to tell you that a storm will be heading our way and that we should be prepared as they're advancing closer" very few gasps were heard from the vampires, one from me too. A storm? I could see most expressions didn't waver, just like Jisung's group. It's like they knew that this was going to happen.

If so, then why hold a soirée and not just a meeting with the higher-ups to discuss this?

The king— who i don't know the name of— however, did not make a speech and Queen Moon starts making his way over to us with his husband, Jung Jaehyun. I quickly place my plate of unfinished food onto a waiter's tray as they walk pass and pat my suit nervously. I hear Jisung chuckled next to me and i lightly glared at him.

"All my sons came, i'm glad" the queen smiled. From his tone, i could tell that he is a kind father and a respected vampire. For further evidence, one by one, his sons come up to him and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

When it comes to Jaehyun, they just left a peck on the back of his palm, the respect still evident but i could tell that they love the queen more.

Hendery, Xiaojun, Sungchan and Shotaro only gave him a peck on the back of the queen's palm and a warm smile.

"Mr Qian, Mr Lee, you guys are here as well" the said people gave a little bow in respect.

He then turns to me and i tense as he lets out a warm smile, my grip around Jisung's arm tightening again. "My dear Huang Renjun. It's so good to see you" i look to Jisung before sending the queen an awkward smile, bowing a little to show my respect.

"Ah, my apologies. No need to be nervous. I'm not looking to punish you or anything. It's just, Jisung has been talking a lot about you" hold on, was my nervousness too obvious or... ?

Staring at the queen's orange orbs, i now realised that all of his sons take the eyes of him. "Jisung-ah, will you take him to the third balcony, where King Kim is? I'm sure my dear Renjun's expecting to see them"

"Yes, Father"

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