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I'm finally going to meet them.

I gave Queen Moon a 90 degree bow and a kiss to the back of his hand before Jisung escorts me to the other side of the ballroom where the third balcony is. Standing in front of the closed doors, i heave out a sigh before swinging it open.

Upon entering, i unknowingly held onto Jisung's arm. My heart starts beating rapidly as i slowly make my way towards them. Hearing my footsteps, the king and his husband turns round. I froze in my steps when i meet eyes with them.

There was a moment of staring contest but it ended when Jisung lightly pushed me forward. Without Jisung's support this time, i slowly walk forward until i'm right in front of them.

"The one on the right is King Kim Jungwoo and next to him is his husband Kim Doyoung" Jisung helped to introduce them and i silently thanked him. "I'll be keeping guard outside"

Both of them have mesmerising eyes. The king has navy blue eyes and his husband— who caught my attention first— has baby blue eyes alike to mine. I didn't know what to do so i just stood there in front of them, even for words to come out of my mouth were a trouble to me.

King Kim's husband made the first move and reaches his hand out to touch my cheek. As he caress my cheek, my eyes widens when a tear rolls down his cheek.

"My baby Injunnie" i stilled, eyes wide.

"My baby Injunnie, please don't hate me for doing this-"

"D-daddy?" the word came out before i could even process it and the next thing i know, tears began rolling down my cheeks too. He then pulls me into a tight hug.

Looking over his shoulders, i met eyes with the king. He must be Father then. Doyoung soon pulls away and i turn to the king.

"F-father?" i didn't know how to greet him and was about to give a 90 degree bow but was stopped by him pulling me into a hug.

"My baby's all grown up now. We're really sorry for leaving you" the hurt in his voice made me forgive them right away eventhough they had been absent throughout my years of growing up. I'm sure that they have a reason for doing so. The reason for what they did in my dream.

Once he pulls away, i smiled at the two and they return the gesture. The king lets out a light chuckle. "He even took after your eye colour" the king nudges his husband.

"You're just jealous he didn't take after yours" Doyoung rolled his eyes with a small smile and i didn't know whether to laugh or be confused so i just smiled as well. Doyoung, when we hugged, held a familiar warmth and i can assure that it's him from my dream along with his voice.

My real Father.

"Just you wait, when the day comes, he's going to take after mine too, again" i raise a brow at that. They turn to me and chuckled lightly.


I pulled my legs to my chest and wrap my arms around them. Resting my chin on my knees, i stared at the bubbles that lay atop the water surface. I then ran my hand through them, collecting some before blowing it.

I had just met my birth parents and i don't know what to think. They're still keeping secrets from me and i want to know them. At least before the storm comes because i have a feeling that i'm a part of it, even though i'm just a mere human. Sure, maybe i do have a power relating to my blue eye which i assume relates to my dreams but that's it... right?

I want to know everything

A series of knocks from the bathroom door broke my train of thoughts. "Hey Injun, you alright? You've been in there for quite awhile"

"I-i'm fine Yang" i leaned back against the bathtub and stared at the night sky. The moon is shining bright tonight and a few stars were surrounding it, six of them to be more specific. It's just like Queen Moon being surrounded by his six sons.

Walking out of the bathroom, i gave a smile to Yangyang to assure him that i'm alright. We bid each other good nights and i laid on my bed. I flutter my eyes close and let sleep take over me.

I scan the darkness around me before closing my eyes.

"I will search for you again. I will come back to you. I promise" a soothing voice assured me and the darkness greets me again.

"Daddy, why are we leaving Sungie?" i ask as i was dragged out of a room, a room with no windows. I had turned back to look at the person who was named 'Sungie' but it's face was blurred out. I reached out my hand to him and yelled his name repeatedly, somehow feeling tears roll down my cheeks. We soon enter an empty hallway.

"D-daddy, whats going on?" I tremble under the same man's hold. I try to pull away from his hold to no avail again. I start sobbing in the man's chest when i smelt something familiar, my heart beginning to beat rapidly. "W-why do i smell F-father's b-blood? I-is he a-alright?"

He slowly pulls away from me. "Listen to Daddy alright?" he doesn't even let me utter anything and went to talk on. "My baby Injunnie, please don't hate me for doing this. Your Father and i love you so, so much. I'm sorry for doing this but we'll see you soon, my baby Injunnie"

I jolt awake and quickly sat up, shaking. I look down at my hands and my eyes widened. I began trembling more as i stared at the blood that covered my hands. Looking around, blood painted the walls carelessly and i whimpered.

"W-why are there, l-lots of b-blood?" my voice cracked as i asked in a low whisper.

The next i blink, the blood was gone and i scanned the room to find no blood around, just silence. I brought my knees to my chest and hug them, still shaking with tears running down my cheeks profusely.

Father was protecting me from something bad, but what? Daddy did something to me, but what? Most importantly, why was Jisung there too?

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