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Park Jisung

"Done running away?" a stern voice spoke up as soon as the door to our mansion closed behind us.

"What do you mean?" I bit back the urge to roll my eyes and began walking towards the stairs, too lazy to deal with any questions that they're going to throw at me.

"You know what i mean" my expression didn't waver when i was being shoved to the wall. I looked up and Mark, my older brother was staring intensely at me. His orange eyes began glowing, although i could see some sadness in them but it was soon replaced with anger. I only smiled at him, everyone in the room knowing very well that his power— and everyone else's— can't work on me.

"Yes, i'm done. I came back because they're coming. Father knows it too that's why he had allowed for my return. You may think that this place can be hidden, but not for long. They're getting closer and with lots of humans here, they'll come even closer" i explained and by the time, Mark had already released his hold on me.

"You're patching up with him aren't you?" I didn't answer him and just left to my room.

"Oh, Mr Jung and Mr Moon. What brings you here at this hour?" Mr Nakamoto asked, surprised seeing the two familiar aristocrats at the door of his office.

"We're sorry to disturb you Mr Nakamoto but we'd like to request for my son to continue his studies here" the principal's eyes widened in surprise when Mr Moon stepped aside, revealing a familiar pink head. His eyes then softened at the saddened look on the ex student's face.

"They're coming, are they?" both the pink head's parents let out a sigh.

"It seems so. We figured that now would be a better time than... before it's too late" Mr Jung said, leaning his head atop of his husband's head and an arm around his waist.

"Does his parents know about... this?" Mr Nakamoto asked and Mr Moon turned to his youngest son.

"Not yet. Jisung wanted to wait until they're back... together" the principal heaved out a sigh.

"On one condition" everyone gave their attention on the principal. "Jisung, can you promise not to leave him again?" the pink head nodded.

After waiting for so long? No way am i going to leave again

Mark Lee

My frustration slowly disappeared when i felt arms snake around my waist and a weight on my shoulder, already knowing who. There's no other that could make me feel like this except my boyfriend, Jaemin. I heaved out a sigh and placed my hands atop of his. I love how his touch can make all my worries disappear. I turned and leaned in to his face. As i was about to place my lips on his, a voice stopped us.

"Okay lovebirds, you can continue your lovey dovey shit later. Are we gonna meet Father or what?" i rolled my eyes when Jeno said that, as if he isn't getting any butterfly kisses down his neck by Donghyuck right now.

I turn to face Jaemin and wrap my arms around his waist, his hands moving up to cup my face and pull me into a kiss. I hear Chenle fake gagged and Hendery heaved out a sigh.

"I wish Yangyang was here" he pouted and Xiaojun nodded in agreement.

"Hold up. Where's Shotaro and Sungchan?"

Donghyuck shrugged. "Probably in their room fucking"

"Not surprised" Jaemin said as he pull away and stared into my eyes. I stared back, finding myself lost in those orange eyes of his, alike to mine. He grins and lifted the corners of my mouth up. "Lets go see Father"


"Yang, i've been meaning to ask" i said as i opened my locker, the said person closing his and leaning his back against it. "Why were you looking at me strangely yesterday? Did i have something in my eyes?"

He tensed at my question before sighed. "Your left eye, it was glowing yesterday" my eyes widened at that.

"Yo sup gu- whoa Jun, you alright?" Lucas came up to us and Yangyang gave him a look while i sighed, deciding to process what Yangyang had said to me later, realising that i still look like shit.

"I look that bad huh" i said while placing some books into my locker, soon frowning when my eyes lands on a black letter. I picked it up and examined it, completely ignoring Lucas and Yangyang's conversation which supposedly had me included but i was too busy with the letter.

Noticing my lack of response, the two peeked over my shoulder to see what i was so indulged in. No writings were written on the exterior, just a plain black letter. "Open it" Lucas nods in agreement to what Yangyang said and i tore it open. I slid out the slightly thick piece of paper inside it.

"Meet me at the forest at the side of the school. From... Sungie?" i tensed as i read the name. A sudden, random memory then flashed before my eyes.

"Love, Sungie" i chuckled after reading it aloud.

"How'd you like it?" a pink head stood in front of me at my doorstop.

I wrapped my arms around him. "I love it"

He never fail to surprise me everytime

I blinked and realised that Yangyang was shaking my shoulders to reality. He turned me to both of them and they had their eyes widened. "Yo Jun, your left eye... its glowing"

I gasped and quickly covered my left eye. "You alright?" I nodded, knowing that he's asking if i have any headache or some sort. "Do you know who this person is?"

"I-i think so" just then, the bell rang which meant that it was time to get to class. I quickly closed my locker and turned to them again. "You guys head on first. Tell teacher that i'm not feeling well or something"

Just like that, gripping onto my bag strap tightly, i headed out to the side of the school where the fences are. I managed to find an opening and went through it. I walked into the forest with caution, my hand ready to reach for my stick strapped to my thigh.

Night's not coming any sooner so i should be fine. I don't mind even if it's night anyways. I can protect myself.

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