"We aren't temporary."

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Brandon has been gone a full six days and they have been the longest days of my life.

The first couple of days were okay, I kept myself busy with Mariana and Jude, hanging out and watching movies.

Then, things started going downhill. Everything reminded me of Brandon. The kitchen, the living room, the backyard. I've tried playing my guitar but it just reminds me of playing with Brandon so I stop because it hurts too much.

I obviously understand why he went and I'm glad he did, I'm just not used to being away from him this long.

The house is so quiet and weird, it just feels empty. Moms even took us out for dinner one night because it was too much to handle being in a house that Brandon wasn't in.

I've been sleeping in his room every night, wearing his clothes and inhaling his smell in the sheets.

He comes back tomorrow night and I've arranged for us to have a romantic dinner together. I told Stef and Lena that I wanted them to leave us home alone, which they surprisingly agreed to. I'm not complaining though.

I can't wait to see him and hear his voice and just be near him again. Sure, he's been calling every day but hearing him whisper in my ear and hearing him through a phone is a completely different thing.

And I've missed his touch. God, how I've missed having his arms around me. The safety he brings just by touching me is something I've never experienced and I miss it more than I've missed anything in my life.

He's supposed to call tonight and I've been lying down on his bed waiting for the phone to ring. As if on cue, my cell lights up and I see his face smiling back at me through the screen.

A huge smile spreads across my face as I answer the call. "Brandon?"

He sighs happily. "Hi, baby," he answers. "God, I miss you so much."

"I miss you, too, Brandon. You'll be home in," I check the time on my phone and bring it back to my ear, "less than 24 hours," I say, a little too excitedly.

He chuckles and I smile wider. I love that laugh. "I know, Callie, I can't wait to see you and hold you and kiss you."

"I know, Brandon, I can't wait either. It's been too long," I reply.

"Too long indeed. I am never leaving you behind ever again. It's too much to handle, not having you by my side all day, falling asleep without you."

"I know, next time I'm coming with you, no matter where you go, got that, Foster?"

"Roger that, Jacob," he laughs into the phone. "So what are you doing?"

"Well," I say as I lay my head down on his pillow, "I am lying down under the covers of your bed. You're missing out, the sheets are great company."

"Callie," he whines through the phone. "That is just unfair. My sheets have been spending more time with you than I have. Unacceptable," he mumbles.

I chuckled lightly. "Well, when you get back tomorrow, I can show you what you've been missing. How does that sound?" I ask quietly.

"Like the best plan ever," he whispers.

A comfortable silence settles and I yawn.

"Callie, baby, if you're tired, I should let you sleep," he says.

"No, no, wait," I almost yell, desperate to keep him on the line.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I just miss you, and I'm not ready to stop listening to the sound of your voice just yet," I reply.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2015 ⏰

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