chapter 10 saw

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Ale was watching them walking together she was bad about it.
Ale: I can't believe flaky is dating flippy I got to do something.
Then ale walk away from watching them going in the house, so she got a idea in her head then she had a evil smile on her face.

After night...
Ale went to the forest and saw the tiger base, at the base the tiger general was sitting down on a chair  then the tiger general was doing nothing until he heard a sound outside he look around and saw a gray wolf then he telled his tiger solider to surrender her then she told him.
Ale: wait I'm here cause I need help.
Tiger general: what makes you think I help you?
Ale: if you help me I will give you anything you want.
Tiger general: really?
Ale: yes
Then the tiger general told the tiger solider to stand down and put there guns down then the tiger general help ale get up.
Tiger general: so what do you need help with?
Ale was telling him the plan she wants to do to get flippy back by kidnapping flaky and take flaky to the base then get the other bad guys from other place then wait until flippy comes then they can handle flippy when she killing flaky the tiger general agree with her then they shake hands.

Ale: about I give you $150 ok
Tiger general: ok  deal let me get the others.

Then the tiger general make the simble for Xeba and said the Spell then he call the ninja's they came then the general has the key, he break it then splendont spawned.

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