Chapter 4.2

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Sabrina spent the rest of the afternoon with Malvarak aboard Khediva, scrutinizing the orbital record and offering what input she could muster. Finally, though, she decided that she would be better employed down on the planet and went back to her apartment. Scotty was waiting for her.

"Hiya, Rina," he said, following her into the spacious living room. "I won't ask you how your day was; I heard all about it."

"Did you?" She dropped into a chair and closed her eyes.

"Yup. Mara had me hauled up on the carpet—literally. You seen the throne room yet? It's somethin' else, all scarlet and gold."

"Oh, no," Sabrina groaned. "Don't tell me she dismissed you, too."

"No. Rayland wouldn't let her. He came with me." Scotty sat down, grinning. "That was an argument, let me tell you. Tirqwin's got nothin' on Rayland when he really gets going. Anyway, after that, Mara was crying, and I said that he didn't have to be so hard on the poor kid—'cause she was really a wreck, and I just couldn't watch it anymore—and she forgave me. We went to a smaller room, thank God, and Lady Selémahs got her to eat something, and she told me all about it. Poor kid."

He paused reflectively, and Sabrina said, "Is she all right now, Scotty?"

"Oh sure, I think so. Khediva told us you'd lined up a lawyer for Tirq, and that made Mara feel a little better. I think she's on her way to forgivin' you, too, Rina, 'cause she said she was glad you did it. She says she couldn't order someone to defend him; it had to be voluntary, and she was afraid no one would volunteer."

"Not only," Sabrina said, "did I get him a counselor, but it's Therenden nar Jhovhar, the Deputy Minister of Justice."

Scotty grinned again. "Just throw the little ones back, eh, Rina?"

Sabrina gave a sigh that turned into a yawn, and her brother said, "You beat?"

"Just about. It's been such a long, weird day. And everything here is harder than it has to be. Even getting dressed takes forever!"

He chuckled. "Yeah, I bet, swingin' around in those skirts like Scarlett O'Hara."

"Fiddle dee dee," Sabrina yawned.

"Had dinner? I'll cook," Scotty volunteered.

"Ah. I knew there was a real reason you came up here."


"Actually, if you want, Haaron and Éllina invited me to dinner earlier. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you came too, if the invitation's still good."

"I'll call him and see. You figured your comconsole out yet?"

"The bare essentials."

"Well I spent all day learnin' how to do important stuff like make phone calls, open doors, and get food," Scotty said. "Tomorrow they're gonna teach me how to drive, or fly, or whatever it is. A little of both, I guess."

"I wish you hadn't told me that. I won't be able to concentrate at all tomorrow."

"Oh, no, wait, it's not tomorrow—that's the funeral," Scotty said, sobering. "Day after, I meant. You goin', Rina?"

"How can I, if I'm not with Mara? Are you going?"

"Yes. Rayland says I should tag along."

"Well, you can keep an eye on her, then. Oh, Scotty, she's cut off from Tirqwin and me, and Malvarak's not much comfort—"

"Yeah, I heard he was here. How is he?" Scotty asked as he walked into the other room to access the comconsole.

Sabrina followed him. "Changed. But well."

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