5. Unsteady

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Unsteady- transforming duke

POV change for the first time. I'm not sure how I feel about this, but I thought it would be nice to get Arizona's perspective on things, and also to help drive the plot forward. Also I'm struggling with tenses. Sometimes I'm in past, sometimes I'm in present. It's something I need to work on in my writing, but I hope it reads okay!

Arizona's POV
It's been three days since I saw a different side to Meredith Grey. She hasn't turned up to any of her appointments for her stitches. To be honest, I'm not surprised. I don't know if she doesn't trust me, is scared, is embarrassed or just wants to put it all behind her. I told Addison of her absence, and we agreed we'd transfer her to my service for the day, so I could check her stitches on my break. I don't want to ambush her about it, and to an extent I trust her skill as a doctor to look after the stitches correctly, but I promised I'd check the sutures and I feel like enough people have broken promises to Dr Grey. I don't want to add to that list.

I catch her in the corridor.
"Dr Grey! Hi!"

"Dr Robbins." She states to the floor. Zero eye contact.

"I can't help but notice you haven't responded to any of my pages over the last three days."
There isn't a bite to my voice. I'm stating fact.

"Yeah well, Dr Montgomery's service keeps me very busy!"

There was sarcasm laced amongst a fear I could hear in her voice. She's scared of the power I hold over her.

"That's easily remedied! You're on my service today. Dr Montgomery has said she has a massive surgery and won't be requiring interns, but she still wanted you to stay within fetal medicine, so you're off to peds with me! Come on, hun!"

I linked arms with Meredith and dragged her to the first patients room, chuckling as she resisted.

"Come on Grey! I need you to explain the procedure to the patients mother!"


"Amazing work Dr Grey! You really show skill beyond your years!"

We had just scrubbed out of a 10 year old's appendectomy and I may as well not have been there! Dr Grey pretty much opened and closed the surgery all by herself. I only had to step in to do a purse-string suture. I'm truly impressed!

"Thank you Dr Robbins! And Thank you for letting me close! It really was thrilling!"

I loved her smile, even if it seemed a little forced.

"Of course! You do the surgery, you get to close! Any attending will tell you!"

I threw my hand towel down.

"Now, I don't know about you but I'm starving! How about we grab some food and head up to the attendings lounge- my secret!"

Her eyes bulge. Why? I do not know. Hasn't anyone ever invited her to lunch?

"Oh, no, really it's okay! I'll just head to the pit or something I'm not that hungry!"

"Nonsense Grey! Come on, let's go to the cafeteria before a queue forms."

I turn and leave the scrub room, looking occasionally to check Meredith was following- and she was, all be it slowly. You'd think she was walking to her death, not the salad bar! I hold open a the door, letting her catch up a little and it swings behind us as we enter the empty cafe.

"Ooh! Lasagne!!! I love lasagne! I've got to text Callie, lasagne for lunch always makes her day!"

Meredith gave me an incredulous look as if to say, who gets that excited about lasagne?? My girlfriend does! I grab a tray and make myself a plate of my favourite meal. I noticed Meredith was just stood by the salad bar staring into space, so I put a plate of lasagna for her on my tray too. She seemed awfully offended about that.

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