Park Bench and the Multiverse

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Starco vs Parenthood Introduction - These chapters can be read separately but they are all connected. It's always the same Star & Marco, same kids, same world.

This starts 21 years after the Cleave. Star & Marco are 36, their daughter is 14 and son is 11. Family time at the park seemed like a good idea but their oldest daughter just wanted to read.

Favs, reviews, and constructive feedback are all really helpful. Thanks!


Chapter 8 - Park Bench and the Multiverse


'Why is that boy staring at me? He looks all nervous. Oh corn, he's walking over.'

"Ah...excuse me...ah...Miss. this side of the bench taken?"

"Miss? I'm 14, don't call me Miss and no, it's not taken."

"Hey, I'm 14 too. it okay if I sit here then?"

"Go ahead if you want, I'm just reading."'

"Aaaaaaaaaaaah...sure is a nice day here in the park."


"You...are you new around here?"


"I don't think I've seen you in school befo..."

"Alright, I'll stop reading. What is going on?"

"Ah...well...wha...what do you mean?"

"I'm obviously head down in a book and yet you, a 14 year old boy who I don't know, you are nervously trying to make small talk. Are you...trying to get to know me?"

"Ah no! No! I wouldn't do that!"

"Alright, then what exactly are you doing? Talking to random girls is a hobby? You just frequent park benches when you get lonely? Maybe...maybe you just came over to talk to me because you lost a bet or something?"

"No! Nothing like that!"

"Hmm. Oh, I see why now. Are those your friends over there? The ones staring at us while snickering."

"Yeah...well...ah they are only kinda my friends."

"They dare you to do something rude to me?"

"It was a dare but not to do something rude I swear!"

"Listen, I don't know what you have planned but I'm going to give you some advice. See that blonde woman who is way too old to be climbing around the playground equipment? That's my mom. She was once one of the most powerful magical beings in all of Mewni. I believe she currently has something called diplomatic immunity so she could kill you and all your friends with no fear of prison time."


"See that guy hanging from the top of the swings doing upside down sit-ups while on a phone call? That's my dad. He survived 15 year in the most dangerous dimension that has ever existed. He's been knighted so many times he lost count and if he decided to kill you and your friends, I'm pretty sure no one would ever find the bodies."

" can he do sit-ups like that while on a phone call?"

"He is working on some new law so eligible monsters can get food assistance based on their size. He knows a lot of big monsters. Maybe he gives the bodies to one of them?"

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