にじゅうに (twenty two)

813 21 45

He sleeps so tightly that even waking up feels like the most difficult task in the morning. And that alone is something Jin rarely has to fight with.

As for Yuna, she's either the fastest human to ever heal, or is insanely stubborn — but Jin is certain it's a homogeneous combination of the two; the latter being the main component.

When he returns from his quick, and surprisingly successful hunt a little before noon, she's up on her feet as well. And of course, has found something to busy herself with.

On the big old tree beside the shack, she has set up a round, wooden target, and she's standing a few steps away from it, holding...kunai?

"Jin," She speaks up, her head turning in his direction when he steps in her line of vision. With a flick of her wrist, she flips the kunai so that its grip rests in her hand instead of the blade. "You returned fast."

"A deer almost ran into me after I took out my bow," He admits. Jin felt sorry to kill it; his usual prey before he had to hunt for his own food were animals that attacked him first. Pickiness is a distant dream now. If anything, he tells himself, he should be thankful he got off so easy.

As he walks around Kage to take the carcass of the horse's back, he sneaks a more careful glance at Yuna's target. A few throwing knives line the grass at the tree's roots, and only two have their blades stuck into the wood.

"Practicing your aim?" He asks with a nod at her attempts.

"A little. I've never used kunai," She confesses. "Not even for farming."

To hear that she's not well-versed on a kind of combat he had considered basic is a surprise, to say the least.

Putting the kunai down, she rushes to his side and offers to help him carry what soon will be their next meal. He declines, her wound is still healing.

"How so?" Jin gives her an inquiring look as he sets down the dead deer beside the coals of what used to be their campfire. He's going to have to start it again. "I always thought you'd be good with any weapon."

It's better left unsaid, but they both know what he means. Circumstance has taught the both of them versatility and how to use anything to their advantage. If they hadn't adapted, neither of them would be here.

"If I was lucky enough to get a hold of a knife, I couldn't risk losing it," she explains. "So no. I'm not that good with throwing."

Makes sense, he realizes with a pang of guilt. Even things he considers mere supplies are a luxury to some, if not most people on this island. How has he not gotten used to that idea yet?

"I can teach you while we let the stew cook," He says, looking up at her. "Do you have a flint?"

She tosses him what he asks for, so he gets to work without further ado. By the time he has finished setting up the camfpire, Yuna has skinned the deer and cut off enough meat for a stew.

After insisting for her to go ahead and practice by herself, Jin takes care of putting together a few other herbs the monks at the cedar temple had given him, and tosses everything into the metal pot. He makes a mental note to check on it in a few minutes before he walks around the house, back to where Yuna had set up her target.

He returns just as another attempt of hers fails, the grip of the kunai hitting the wood with a dull thump before it ricochets into the grass.

When Jin glances her way, he finds her looking much more annoyed than usual.

"I still can't tell how you do this." She says, but her eyes don't leave her target for even a second. She's looking at it like it's her worst enemy, Jin has to suppresses a chuckle. Taking another kunai from the bunch in her non-dominant hand, she tries again.

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