∆Chapter 3∆

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°Little Monster°

You layed in the grass a second longer staring up at the darkening sky. Closing your eyes in a moment of silence you took a deep breath.

'Is this really the world I have to live in?' You thought.

Honestly, the exchange you just had with Knight Lupin has made you start to re-think how easy it would be to get your happy ending. You guessed that just "playing it cool" wasn't going to cut it.

The only thing you could really do is not be like the villainess and try to avoid all the main characters. Which of course was also a part of your original plan, but you didn't take in the account of one of the capture targets/male leads was your personal knight.

Meaning they accompanied you and watched over you every day. You almost screamed in frustration. Plus, it doesn't help that you start having a mother fucking panic attack everytime he looks at you a certain way. That was not ideal.

And that's a whole different problem with trauma itself. Something you don't have time for.

But that was the least of your concerns; the real plot only starts to pick up when both the villainess and the heroine are both eightteen. Two years from now.

It really didn't give you as much time as you'd hoped for, but it'll have to do.

Abruptly you sat up.

There was no way in hell you were going to allow yourself to die again. In your past shitty life you died oh so pathetically, and you weren't going to make the same mistake. It was time to make a proper plan.

Still shaking from you previous panic attack, you stood up in your now dirty and grass covered dress. It's a shame, it really was beautiful. But who cares, you can just wash it.

Letting out one final shaky exhale, you started to make your way to the garden entrance into the castle. You were about to yank open the door, but It seemed like someone already had the same idea.

And that someone would be Angela. Oh how relieved you were to see her. She was quite literally an angel in your books, my goodness. You could only stare up at her with a gentle smile, which she returned.

"Princess, I was told that I would be able to find you here. What are yo-, Oh my!" She suddenly exclaimed.

You titled your head in confusion. Da fawq was she talking about?

And that's when you realized something. You were covered in dirt. Of course it wasn't that bad, but for a royal, you were supposed to be prim and proper. The new you was the absolute opposite of that.

"Princess (Y/n), your dress! It's all covered in dirt and grass! And even worse, you have scratches all over you. We must get you cleaned immediately!" She said hurriedly leading you back to your room.

You were about to reprimand her about calling you "princess", but the later of her words caught your attention.

Scratches? You looked down at your arms and elbows and sure enough there were bunches of tiny little scrapes. Bruhé, this could barely even be considered a scratch. You almost laughed at the ridiculousness of someone freaking out over a tiny little scrape.

Back at the orphanage, a kid literally broke his arm and the caretakers didn't even get him medical treatment. They gave him an ice pack and told him to "walk it off". Yeah it was pretty fucked up, but that was the standard growing up.

You got a cold? Too bad, sleep it off. Broken arm? Too bad, you still have to clean the floors. But thankfully, the kid got adopted by a family and they sought medical attention. Basically if you got any major injuries, you were fucked.

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