∆Chapter 1∆

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°The Reconning°

Dead. That's what you were. It was pitiful, really, the way you died. Your death wasn't heroic; you didn't die saving someone, and you didn't die fighting. You weren't a protagonist tragically struck down, no. You died in your sleep after pulling one too many all nighters playing video games and going to work after drinking. It's a shame, you were only 21.

Somewhat starving, living in a rundown apartment with pealing walls and odors of alcohol. You we're alone. No family, no friends, all alone. And that's how it's always been.

Eh. You win some you loose some. And well, you lost. It's kinda depressing knowing nobody would even care, let alone find your body in another two weeks. Who gives a shit about a broke college student, better yet, an orphan.

You wouldn't be missed.

The landlord would probably only find you in search of missing rent. Yeah, life is a bitch. But, it is what it is.

So when you finally passed out from exhaustion, you we expecting the peace and quiet of, well, death. So you can imagine the confusion of waking back up, in a bed that wasn't yours.

The plush mattress and pillows of the pink comforter you woke up in being the softest material you've ever touched. They looked familiar. Too familiar.

Almost being distracted by the silk like covers, you shot up and out of the bed. The pure white nightdress adorning your body fluttering around you. You grasp the hem of the nightdress, shaking.

'Why aren't I dead?' you thought exasperated.

Stumbling in panic to the huge mirror hanging on the wall, you come face to face with yourself. Yet you were somehow different. Your face was more fair as the scars that once littered your face had magically disappeared. Not only this but it was rounder as well, a symbol of child-like-youth.

Your eyes shone brighter and your skin was practically glowing. Brushing your now softer, and smoother hand through your (h/c) locks, the softness and smooth texture now replaced the harsh and brittle texture of you hair before.

And the biggest, most noticable difference was the height and seemingly age of your body. You were sixteen again.

"What the fuc-!" "Princess (Y/n)? Are you alright in there?" A panicked voice yelled cutting you off. The voice came from behind the big mahogany door leading into "your" room.

'Princess (Y/n)?! Oh god I think I know what's going on!' You realized.

"Y-Yeah, yup! Everything is, uh, fine." I said hurriedly.

"I'm coming in Princess!" The voice said opening the doors.

You just stood there in disbelief.

"This cannot be happening." You gasped out loud.

"My dear princess, I apologise with my tardiness. I will see to it that it will sece to happen again." The now visible maid said, bowing before you.

Not only did her bowing before you catch you off guard, it also made you feel extremely uncomfortable as one would feel.

"Uh, um. N-no need, no need please rise!" You said hurrying to help her up.

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