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i stood in front of the mirror staring at the short white dress Brynn had let me borrow. don't get me wrong the dress was gorgeous, but i couldn't help feeling uncomfortable by how the material tightly fitted my body.

"stop it" Brynn outbursted, " stop over thinking, you look so hot right now" she reassured, appearing beside me in the mirror.

her outfit was simple but sexy - an iconic little black dress. i envied how well she could pull off the figure hugging garment, desperate to look even half as good as she did.

i was forced to push the thoughts to the back of my mind as our uber pulled up outside.

" i still can't believe Mandla bailed on us tonight," Brynn huffed. " come on Brynn don't be like that, it's not fault his parents wouldn't let him come" i explained although deep down i was probably more disappointed than her.

as much as i loved Brynn she wasn't the most reliable friend at times and i knew at some point in the night it was likely i'd lose her, the thought of it was already provoking my anxiety.

this was only heightened once we reached Lauren's house where the blaring music could already be heard from outside; granted we had showed up an hour later than planned because of how long it took Brynn to pick our outfits.

we were instantly surrounded by the stench of alcohol and intoxicated teenagers although unlike me, Brynn seemed to embrace the atmosphere.

" let's go get a drink Kenz" she grabbed my hand and paraded me into a room which i assumed was the kitchen. she quickly filled two cups with liquid i couldn't quite see and handed one to me.

"what's in it?" i questioned with a look of discomfort. "drink it and find out" she giggled before practically downing hers.

i took a small sip and instantly gagged which only made Brynn laugh more. not long after we ended up in the centre of the house dancing around together.

"can we step outside for a bit i'm getting kind of sweaty in here?" i yelled to Brynn over the music. she replied with a nod and dragged me out to the garden.

although the garden was still filled with people, the cool air was a refreshing feeling.

"Kenzie! Brynn!" i heard from down on the patio. "heyy!" Brynn waved over to them with my hand still in hers before pulling us both over to where Emily and her group from the other day were sat.

the all sat in a circle around the fire pit and as we came closer Emily moved across to make room for me and Brynn to join.

"we were worried you weren't coming cause we saw Mandla posting at home," Lauren mentioned. "yea his parents made him stay home and sorry we're late, Brynn was taking ages" i smiled earning a jokey shove from Brynn.

the conversation around the circle mainly consisted of everyone else talking, i just listened and let out the occasional laugh. the only other person not talking was Johnny who sat beside Nadia, one hand snaked around her waist and the other on his drink.

he looked especially good-looking tonight. his hair was styled in curtains and he wore a silver chain with several rings on his hands.

i had realised over the years silence wasn't out of the ordinary for Johnny Orlando although that didn't mean he wasn't able to be vocal when he wanted. i think that may have been what fascinated me about him.

i looked up to admire his face again but to my surprise i was met by direct eye contact. his piercing green eyes instantly made my heart race but i kept myself composed by giving him a half smile.

unfortunately all he returned was a furrow of the brows, making me look away and try to forget the awkward interaction. i mentally shook my head imagining how weird he probably thought i was.

i returned my attention to the group who had all gotten louder in the last minute. "are you playing truth or dare with us Kenz?" Brynn asked.

not a chance. i had read enough stories to know how truth or dare works at a party and it was definitely not for me. I shook my head politely but Brynn pouted at me.

"come on Kenzie, everyone else is playing" Nadia chimed in with a devilish smirk on her lips. i looked at the rest of the group who were now all looking at me for a response, " just let me go to the bathroom, you guys start and i'll join once i'm back," i smiled before standing up.

i gave one last look to Brynn but i could tell she wasn't very impressed at me for leaving.

i quickly walked up stairs but once i got to the top i began to take my time, not in any rush to join the game outside. upstairs was much less crowded and it was mostly just girls crying and couples enjoying each others 'company'.

luckily for me all the doors had hand written signs on so it was fairly easy to find the bathroom however when i tried to open the door i soon realised it was locked. just as i was about to knock i heard muffled noises from inside and decided it was best to leave whoever was in there alone.

i continued roaming the hallway till i found another door with a sign saying 'do not enter' with some questionable drawings around it. i let out a small laugh and decided this would probably be my best escape from the party.

once i entered and shut the door all the noise from the party muted. i started to inspect the room which could be best described as a studio, the walls were padded and the room was filled with music tech. i refrained from touching anything since it all looked very expensive, instead i continued to nosey around.

i was so invested with the rooms interior to notice the door open behind me.

"can you not read?"

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