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i exited school with Brynn and Mandla before my eyes landed on Johnny sitting in his car. i still wasn't sure if i wanted to go with him or not.

"what's up Kenz?" Mandla questioned because of how i had randomly stopped.

"i just remembered Maddie is picking me up," i lied, earning a confused look from both of my friends but luckily they didn't question me.

as i waved them off I could see Johnny in my peripheral, looking over at me with a smirk. that stupid smirk which i love and hate all at the same time.

once i saw Brynn drive off i walked over to Johnny's car. "hey," i greeted as i climbed into the passenger side.

"i was worried you weren't coming," Johnny remarked.

"i was just waiting for Brynn and Mandla to leave," i explained.

he nodded before asking, "are you embarrassed being seen with me?" while looking ahead at the road.

"what?"i said, slightly taken back by his question. why would i be embarrassed to be seen with him? if anything it should be the other way round.

"well you told me not to tell anyone about this and clearly you don't want your friends to know either," he explained, " i know i'm probably not the type you would usually hang out with but i just thought we got along well the other night."

"it's not that," i began. i paused for a second, unsure if i should tell him about my conversation with his sister.

" Lauren told me to keep my distance from you, for my own sake," i sighed. i peered over at him, hoping he wouldn't over react however he did the complete opposite.

he stayed quiet till we pulled up to McDonalds where he turned to me and calmly asked, " so is Lauren in charge of your life now?"

i couldn't help feeling intimidated by his dark eyes and husky voice. all i could return was a shake of the head.

"good, cause she doesn't know what she's talking about," Johnny spat.

"all she said is you mess with girls heads, which is true," i hummed without thinking. i instantly regretted what i said, mentally praying he wouldn't flip out at me the same way he did to Nadia.

although he jokingly responded with holding his chest, " ouch Ziegler, no need to rip into me like that," he laughed.

once we got our food from the driveway we parked up to eat. the silence was killing me and i recklessly opened my mouth again.

"so you admit you mess with girls heads?"

he smirked slightly and said, " jeez Kenz i didn't realise you could be so blunt."

he stopped to eat before starting again, " i wouldn't say i mess with girls heads, by now everyone should know i'm in it for the fun, nothing serious and if you don't that's not my problem," he shrugged.

i felt my stomach drop and everything clicked, i was probably just another girl for him to have 'fun' with. why else would he invite me out?

" well if you think we're gonna have fun, you're wrong,"  i retorted.

"see you say that but i've seen the way you look at me Kenzie," he remarked.

"just cause i think you're cute doesn't mean i'm gonna fuck you," i exclaimed, starting to get annoyed at his attitude. i knew he had a big ego but i didn't think he would be so transparent about it.

he made a shocked expression, " who said anything about sex? we don't have to fuck to have fun," he chuckled, " unless you want to," he grinned cheekily, earning a playful slap from me.

we then drove down to the beach to watch the sunset. it was pretty much empty so we just played music and hung out for a while till i got a call from Maddie.

"where the fuck are you Kenz? mum is gonna be home soon!" she yelled down the phone.

"shit sorry Mads i lost track of the time, i'm on my way now," i said before ending the call.

"aw it's your bed time already," Johnny joked.

"shut up and just take me home," i giggled.

once we pulled up outside my house i turned to him, " thank you for tonight, it was actually really fun."

" no worries princess, i had fun too," he winked.

i could feel the butterflies rising again so i quickly said goodbye before going inside to see Maddie peering out the curtains watching Johnny drive off.

"that's the same guy from the other day! is he your boyfriend yet?" Maddie grinned, receiving a lovely middle finger from me as i ran upstairs.

hope u guys enjoyed this lil chapter!!
quick question - are u guys wanting smut in this book? (nothing too crazy lmao)
just wanna know for future reference hehe
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