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"can you not read?"

i jumped at the deep voice that i knew all too well. i turned to see him, Johnny Orlando.

"i'm sorry i was just waiting for the bathroom to become free" i responded innocently trying to avoid eye contact.

"you didn't answer my question," he stated, causing me to frown in confusion. "i asked if you could read" he continued.

"oh, well yea obviously but-" i began but was rudely interrupted, "if it's obvious why would you enter a room that says do not enter?" he questioned with a stern look.

i started to get nervous at his serious tone, " i don't know, i'm really sorry i'll just go now" i barely whispered out.

his face quickly softened, " hey i'm just kidding." he shot me an empathetic smile which i returned.

"although i hope you didn't touch any of my stuff," he added.

"your stuff?" i emphasised.

"well this is my studio, sometimes i let Lauren use it" he explained although i still didn't quite understand.

"i didn't know you were into music" i smiled, taking another look around the room.

"there's a lot you don't know about me," he smirked. i could feel my cheeks burning up so i quickly turned away. we both stood in the room silently for what felt for an eternity.

"i think i'm gonna go back outside to everyone," i finally broke the silence.

"no don't" Johnny outburst, "it's just i don't think you really want to since there still playing truth or dare" he recomposed himself, which i just replied to with a nod.

"is your girlfriend, Nadia not going to be waiting for you?" i queried, mainly for nosey purposes. i wasn't actually sure if they were official but this was one way to find out.

he let out a scoff which instantly gave me the answer i was hoping for. "Nadia isn't my girlfriend, she's really not my type but we just both like to have fun if you know what i-" this time i cut him off.

"yep i know what you mean" i said with a disgusted face. we both burst out into laughter.

i couldn't help but admire how adorable Johnny was when he laughed. it wasn't a sight i'd seen often but i loved they way his face softened and his eyes lit up.

i felt my phone buzz in my hand. of course it had to be Brynn asking where i was. i let out a sigh, not wanting this moment Johnny and I were sharing to be over.

"Brynn is worrying about me, we should really go back" i insisted.

we both started to leave the room before Johnny took hold of my wrist, i could feel my hairs stand on end just from his touch. i turned back at him with a weak smile.

"i don't know how we've never spoken before, you're actually really cool," he complimented resulting in me letting out a small laugh.

"thanks, you're cool too," i grinned.

as we walked back outside all i could think about was what had just happened and how desperate i was to tell Brynn.

i collected my feelings as we joined back to the group who were now huddled near the pool with Hayden on the other side getting ready to jump in.

i stood beside Brynn who was laughing along with everyone else, "Jules dared him to jump in with his clothes on" she explained.

i nodded in response but all i was looking at was Johnny who was now stood behind Nadia, arms tangled around her slim waist and whispering into her ear what looked like sweet nothings based on the blush on her cheeks.

clearly i wasn't that cool after all.

shorter chapter i know!!
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