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"Kenz, are you even listening to me?" Brynn groaned while closing her locker.

"yea, sorry" i lied. in all honesty i hadn't really heard what Brynn was saying since we got to school.

"what did i just say then?" she smirked. i froze for a second trying to remember what she had been saying before but my mind was blank.

"Kenzie, are you even listening to me?" i mimicked trying to make a joke of the situation. my attempt was surprisingly successful as both Brynn and Mandla burst out laughing.

Brynn shook her head and said "good one smart ass, i was talking about Carson - do you think he likes me?" she questioned.

"well considering you guys have flirted everyday for the past like week and he wants to take you out tonight, i would say so," i smiled making her eyes glow in clear excitement.

i could tell by her grin that she also liked him and i was genuinely happy for Brynn. after all her last boyfriend put her through she deserved a nice guy and i trusted Carson would treat her well.

as we started to walking to home room i felt a strong grip around my hand. i turned to see those all too familiar green eyes and pearly whites beaming in my direction.

"Kenzie, are you coming?" i heard Mandla from behind me. "no it's okay, you guys go i'll find you later" i reassured, unable to break eye contact with Johnny.

"so, what's up?" i greeted before looking down at my hand that was still in his.

he soon realised as well since he dropped my wrist and moved his hand to scratch behind his neck causing me to smirk slightly at his nervousness.

he cleared his throat before saying, "i was wondering if we could have our 'next time' after school?" with air quotations around the 'next time'.

i furrowed my eyebrows before it clicked what he meant and the memories of detention came back to me.

"we never actually got our 'first time'," i giggled, copying his gestures.

"very true, well then can we have our 'first time' after school?" he rephrased.

just before i could respond i remembered what Lauren had told me. my spirits dropped at the thought of having to reject Johnny after liking him for so long but i knew deep down Lauren was probably right about how her brother treated girls.

Johnny must have noticed my sad expression as he quickly spoke up, " you don't have to though, i understand if you aren't interested."

i shook my head , "no! it's not that, it's just" i paused trying to think of an excuse, " i have to help Brynn with a project she has."

Johnny frowned at me, " i thought she was meeting Carson later though and i swear you're always in detention for not doing your own work?" he emphasised.

he was obviously too smart for me and i panicked having no idea what else i could even say.

my train of thought was broken by him again, " if you don't want to hang out with me it's okay, there's no need to lie" he retorted before turning away from me.

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