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"of course the one time i'm not there you got with Johnny Orlando" Mandla groaned from the passenger seat of Brynn's car.

"for the last time, we didn't get together! we just chilled in his studio" i explained for the third time since i got in the car.

"that's not what Brynn said" Mandla hummed. "don't bring me into this, all i said was Kenzie and Johnny were getting friendly" Brynn smirked.

"it's not like that, he's basically dating Nadia" i retorted, letting out a slight sigh.

"well that's not what he told you, and he's clearly interested if he's commenting on your insta posts now" Brynn explained which i returned a small laugh. I wasn't sure what else to say since what she said would make sense if it was any other boy - but it wasn't any boy we were talking about, it's Johnny Orlando.

"do you guys need a lift home tonight?" Brynn asked while she pulled into the school parking lot.

"no it's okay, I've got detention so i'll probably just have Maddie pick me up later" i replied as we walked into school.

despite being a pretty good student I was quite familiar with detention. i've always struggled with procrastination and a lack of motivation so most of my after school's were from incomplete homework, although I would rather stay at school for an extra hour and read rather than spend three hours on an essay i have no interest in.

the day was fairly normal till we had gym class. i walked into the changing room to find Brynn already getting ready beside Emily, Jules, Lauren and Nadia.

"hey Kenz, where have you been?" Brynn exclaimed, adverting everyone's attention to me.

"sorry, I forgot to get my gym bag from my locker earlier" i sighed, trying to catch up with everyone else who was more or less changed into their gym clothes.

"well hurry up, cause we don't want to be doing extra laps for being late" Nadia huffed causing me to speed up a bit.

"there's no rush Kenzie, coach isn't even here yet" Lauren reassured me. i gave her a quick smile before tying up my laces.

we all walked out onto the field where the boys were already warming up for their lesson. my eyes involuntarily started scanning for a certain boy.

our eyes locked and i noticed a smile appear on Johnny's face which i gladly returned.

even in his grey sweats he was still by far the best looking boy i'd seen. something about his natural features were so hypnotising that i couldn't resist turning scarlett under his gaze.

when i refocused i saw him waving over into my direction. was he waving at me?

i sent back the gesture however i instantly regretted it after hearing a giggle from behind me.

i looked over my shoulder to see Nadia blowing kisses towards Johnny before shooting me a glare.

all i wanted to do was crawl into a ball and simply pass away in that moment.

i looked over at Brynn to see if she saw the embarrassing interaction and based off her sympathetic look it was clear she did, so did pretty much all of the gym class from what i could tell.

i tried to shake off the humiliation and joined in with the rest of the girls running laps.

could this day get any worse.

short chapter but it's more just a filler!
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