Making New Friends And Finding Out

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Nash POV Before Zoey bumps in him

After my encounter with the Rangers I got back to my base which was just an old factory building of the company my family has. I changed from my suit in my normal clothes and went exploring the city, but then a big Monster appeared, but I couldn't fight because it was higher than a building. It was fixed on a tower where the energy source of this City was it's called Morph-X. Then a really big red car showed up and transformed into a robot. "What the Fuck is that?", I said a little bit to loud, because I heard someone shouting :"Language!"  But then the Robot freezed when it saw the picture of a dog. I realized that the same happened to the red ranger so I guess he is controlling this thing and is freezed by the dog  picture, the only question was why. Then a big blue Truck and a yellow helicopter appeared. "I guess these are the other two rangers then", I thought to myself. The helicopter shoots the picture of the Dog and unfreezed Red. Then the three Rangers together beat the Monster. After that I decided to take a  run in the park. I was deep in thoughts, so I didn't realized that I was about to bump into a girl.

Present still Nash POV

I got up and helped the girl up. "She looks beautiful", I thought. Wait what why am I thinking this things. I began to apologize and said: "Sorry for bumping I was deep in thoughts. " The  girl the said:" No it's my fault to I wasn't paying attention where I was going either. Oh and by the way my Name is Zoey and what's your name?"
"Nash, nice to meet you Zoey", I responded with a smile. Then I saw that her cheeks were a little reddish, was she blushing?
Zoey POV
After we introduced ourselves, I saw his smile and it was adorable, I think I was even blushing. I asked him: " I have a question, are you new in Carol Harbor, because I never saw you here before?" "Yes, I moved here a three days ago", he answered me. I told him that he should check out the riptide gym. But then I realized how late itt was an said goodbye. The rest of the day I couldn't stop thinking about him.

Nash POV (again)
Zoey told me that I should check out the riptide gym and then said goodbye. The adorable girl was on my mind for thr rest of the day. The next day I was going to the Riptide Gym and silently hoping that Zoey was there. When I stepped in, I looked around and noticed the juice bar, so I went up and ordered an Green Smoothie, which me and Laurel liked to call the "Green Arrow" Smoothie. I then heard someone shouting my name. I turned to one of table to see Zoey with two other guys. She came up to me and said with a smile: "So you took my advice and came here" "Well I am here so yes I took your advice.", I said then the juice bar worker gave me my smoothie. "Come I want you to meet my friends you'll like them", she said and grabbed my hand at which we both blushed and lead me to the table. I sat down in front of an guy that reminds me of Mayor Daniels and next to him was some other guy with an blue goodie. "Guys this is my new friend Nash, I decided to introduce you three so you can become friends too", she said with a smile. I took a slurp of my smoothie and said: "Hi. Like Zoey already said I am Nash. And who are you too?" The guy that looks like the mayor with hairs and younger said :" Nice to meet you my name is Devon and my friend next to me is Ravi" Ravi gave me his hand strook it. "Nice to meet you Nash", he said. Then Devon asked me about my family. "Well it's a long story, but to make it short my last name is Queen and my parents were killed by a monster attack, I grew up with my Uncle and his wife, he teached me Martial arts and now I'm here", I told them, but I didn't told them about my archery training, because I have a suspicioun. Zoey looks shocked and asked me: "Queen as in Queen Consolidated?" I nod as reponse and finished my drink. My new friends looked shocked, but the ringtone of my phone and the beeping of the smart watches from my friends broke the silence. Zoey said that they must go and I told them that I must go to. I ran in an alley and looked at my phone which showed that some guy was trying to steal Morph-X. I ran to my Hideout and got my Suit and changed into it, when I arrived I saw the Rangers there. "Hey everything okay here?" I ask while changing my voice. "You're this Green Arrow guy who saved me", said the Yellow Ranger and she had an familiar voice. The mysterious Guy summoned some of these creepy footsoldiers and the fight began. I shot two creatures with  Poison-Arrows and five seconds they fall death to ground. I continued shooting these creatures, but then out of nowhere a monster appeared that has a tuba equipped appeared and played a loud tone which killed the last of this soldiers, but hurted the Rangers and me greatly. But then something happened the rangers were demorphed from the damage they took and saw that that the rangers were my friends. I got angry and shot an high explosive arrow at the monster and activate the trigger. The Arrow exploded and killed the monster and also hurt the mysterious guy. The guy but then teleported him self away. I said to my friends: "I won't tell anyone who you are" With that I shot an grampling arrow into a tree and disappeared.

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