Their Story...

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It was a bright summer evening and Lukas was rushing over to the fountain as usual. Michael was waiting on the bench, reading a book while waiting for his closest friend. Something strange was on Michael's mind. But what?

Lukas's POV


Michael said he wanted meet up at the fountain today. It was a nice suggestion since I get this day to relax and it's an absolutely gorgeous day out. Since I get to relax and be a tad less formal I decided to wear my tan trousers and a simple white button up polo along with my normal boots. I finally reach the fountain in the rose garden and find Michael sitting on a bench reading a certain book I happened to lend him. It was about the Moon. Michael said he had gained a peculiar interest in the Moon. Already being interested in astrology I was extremely excited to help him. He looked so peaceful there. I didn't want to disturb him but at the same time I was excited for our meet up. Michael quickly noticed me as approached him and turned to me with his charming smile making me grin my goofy smile. Seeing this made Michael laugh. "Well you look very casual today Prince Charming~." Michael said teasingly. "You're one to talk Michael!" I said laughing back. He was wearing tan trousers with a navy blue buttoned up long sleeve shirt plus his normal black boots. "Well why wouldn't we? We always have to wear a more formal attire and also it's such a nice day out. Why not try to relax a bit?" Michael said as he closed his book and faced me.

"I feel like I've been getting to see you less lately." Michael said somberly. "I have to agree with you. As we've grown up together our lives have gotten filled with more and more with responsibilities as each of us gets older and closer to becoming full adults." I said. "Yeah I agree." Michael replied. "My Father has been bringing up marriage so much lately. He wants me to marry the girl of the Ice Kingdom. And while yes Vanessa is a wonderful maiden I don't think I'm ready for marriage." I said. I noticed when I mentioned marrying Vanessa, Michael looked even more distressed. "Just cause we're both princes doesn't mean we should have our partners chosen for us. We should get to choose just as any other would!" Michael said passionately. "Yeah you're right!" I said back. I feel the gentle breeze blow on my cheeks and then I got an idea. "Hey Michael?" I asked. "Yes Luka?" Michael replied. "Don't you agree it's a lovely afternoon for I walk along the field?" I asked. "Yes indeed it is." Michael said. Michael up and walked in front of me holding his hand out to me. "So then shall we go, my prince~?" Michael asked with a charming smile along with his soothing voice. I smiled back while grabbing his hand and standing up. "We shall."


Michael's POV


We made it off the castle ground and off in the the endless fields. There happened to be a hill near by with a tree at the top. This might be a good opportunity. "Hey Lukas. Race you to the top!" I said as I pointed at the hill with the tree. I start dashing towards the hill. I look behind me to see Luka following. I have better stamina though causing him to fall behind. I make it to the top of the hill. Standing under the tree I wait for the tired Luka. Luka finally makes it up the hill and walks towards me. "You meanie!" Lukas said while giving me a light punch on my shoulder. "Hehe sorry." I said to him. "Now you owe me a song!" Luka said playfully. "Eh...well I'm not sure." I said as I sat down against the tree with Luka following. "Aw come on! Your voice is so beautiful." Luka said making my face flare up causing me to cover it with my hands. "You're just saying that aren't you." I mumble. "No I'm not!" Luka shouted catching me off guard. Luka put his hand on mine while taking my hands off my face forcing me to look at him. "Your voice is really pretty so don't ever say it's not! Just ten seconds and I'm already in a deep trance. Singing or not your voice always calms me and puts me at ease. Luka said. Hearing the made my heart burst out of my chest. I tried to take my hands back to cover my face again. But...Luka wouldn't let go of my hand. For the remainder of time we rested there feeling the breeze on our faces and enjoyed the shade the tree gave us. "You know Luka...there's been something I want to tell you." I said. "Huh." Luka said. "Yeah I've been thinking about this for a while but I've been worried to say a word." I tell him more. Luka lets go of my hand looks forward. I look the too. There running up the hill appeared to be a servant. "Prince Lukas your Father has been expecting you for quite sometime. He demands you meet him in the front hall. I'm sorry about your day off but this is urgent." She said. Luka faced me. "I'm sorry Michael but I most go. Maybe I'll see you here in a few weeks though." Luka said as he stood up. "Right, I guess I'll see you then..." I said disappointed. Lukas walked off with his servant following him close behind. I know even if I said it. It still wouldn't have made a difference but still. I wanted him to know the way I feel.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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