Have it your way then...

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It had been a couple hours since the three went their separate ways. Snatcher was in his home reading hoping it would take his mind off of what had happened that day. Surprisingly the snow had not stopped yet and his forest was chilly. Although the snow had yet to stop the subconites had all been freed from their ice prisons. Everyone was upset to see their village in the state it was at and weren't sure what to do. Many Minions had ran to their boss in hope of an answer, but all they would receive from him was "Just don't go near the bridge and you'll be fine." Nobody knew what he meant and were starting to get worried about what was going on. Without an answer from Snatcher the Minions decided to ask the closest person to being the ruler of Subcon...The MoonJumper.

MoonJumper's POV

I couldn't believe Snatcher thought going and confronting Vanessa was a smart idea. He almost died! But at the same time I'm glad he did in a way...after all that meant I was able to express how much I wanted to help him and show him that I wanted to be friends, especially after he apologized that day. I hope I didn't give him to much of a hint though. My thoughts were interrupted by a question. "Hey um...Mr. MoonJumper we had a favor we need to ask you." A Minion said nervously. "Ask away!" I said with a cheerful grin. Immediately, I noticed the Minion's eyes all light up one at a time. "The boss is acting strange and doesn't seem to want to Snatch souls or do any of his usual activities today, he almost seems depressed in a way. But what scares us the most is that he won't talk to us and seems to be trying block everyone out when we need answers about what's happening to the forest!" Another Minion says with a worried look in his eye. "Oh dear...I'll try and talk to him for you. Don't worry I'll come back with a answer for you!" I said with a happy expression. "Thank you Mr. MoonJumper!" All the Minions said cheerfully.

I made my way through the forest to get to Snatcher home which was covered with ice and snow. I found Snatcher sitting in his chair completely focused on the book which he was reading. I carefully knock on the side of his tree to let him know of my presence. However he never looked up from his book. I decided to welcome myself in to talk to him myself. "Hey Snatcher I wanted to talk to you." Snatcher looked up from his book in full alert and soon his facial expression turned slightly sour. "MoonJumper just because I said this is your forest too doesn't mean you get to waltz around my house like you own the place." Snatcher said with a slight smirk. "Well I'm sorry but actually I knocked and guess who never responded?" I said slightly irritated. A little blush of embarrassment washed over Snatcher face as he looked away. "Sorry." I was surprised to hear him say sorry three times in a week to me. So much that a small blush came on to my face.

 "So um I was wondering if you wanted to chat. Your Minions seemed worried about you and wanted me to visit you." Snatcher remained silent at my statement and kept staring off into the distance. I decided to float closer to him. I wanted to help him. "Snatcher I want to help you. I've wanted to help you for a long time now and I think now would be the best time no matter how much you say it's not and that you don't need my help." Snatcher quickly looked over to me  with a shocked look on his face, however that facial expression turned sour in an instant. "Why would you want to help me, besides I don't even need your help!" Snatcher snapped at me. I was taken back his words and felt upset. "I don't think you quite understood what I meant by wanting to help you Snatcher. I don't just want to help you I want to understand you. To be able to become closer to you. After all...that's why I would smile and say that I wouldn't leave when you told me to." I gave him a small smile when I talked to him. Snatchers face completely looked shocked and like it was still processing everything. "Fine...have it your way then." Snatcher said embarrassed. My eyes lit up at this and I was happy. I felt like I was a step closer to being able to become his friend which was a start. "So then what do you wanna talk about?" Snatcher said.


Snatcher's POV

Some how we started a talking with each other faster than I expected us to and before we knew it, talking to each other felt like second nature for the both of us. I couldn't believe I was ignoring MoonJumper for this long. He was so easy to talk to and made me feel...happy for some reason. MoonJumper talked about his songs and what he liked to do such as star gazing and flower picking. He asked me what sorts of things I enjoyed besides taking souls and reading and so I talked to him about many things. It almost felt like we were talking for hours cause of how much fun we were having. "Hey Snatcher if you ever need to talk to me I'd be happy to again!" MoonJumper said with a cheerful grin. "Fine but only if it makes you happy." I said. Suddenly MoonJumper's eyes lit up at my response. "Well I'm gonna head out for now. I'll see you tomorrow Snatcher." MoonJumper said as he left my tree. I was happy  that he had come to talk to me after all. 

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