Chapter 3

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I returned several days later, and it was snowing. It meant the battle was going to start soon. I stepped back into the house. "Your back!" I looked over to see Garret, with a blonde. "This is Kate. She is my mate. I promised if we make it through this, I would join her coven. So I won't be traveling anymore. I'm sorry to leave you." he said. I understood, I knew that it would happen at some point. I was walking around the house, meet new people when a picture caught my eye. It was of Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, a black haired girl, and a blonde man. I instantly knew the girl, it was Alice, my sister. "Those are my adoptive children, I'm sorry you couldn't have met all of them," a voice behind me said. I turned to see Carlisle. "Actually I've met Alice, I'm her little sister. I assume you already had your suspicions, since we look so much alike." I said. He smiled. "I'm sorry you didn't get to see her." he said apologetically. "I'm just glad I still have some family." I reply. "I've heard that Garret is going to join the Denali's. If you would like, you can join our family. Esme and I already see you as a daughter." He said. I was shocked. "I would like that" I said. He walk away to go tell the good news to Esme. I sat down on the couch next to Bella. "I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot. Edward means well he is just a little over protective." said Bella. I shook my head, understanding. "Bella, could you do be a favor? Could you tell me what Alice is like? She's my older sister, and I haven't seen her over 100 years." I said. She smiled. "Wow, where do I start? She loves shopping, and clothes a lot. She is why I am dressed this way. She took it upon herself to fully stock my closet." she said. I looked at her outfit. It was really cute. Same old Alice, she loved clothes even back, when we were kids. "She is very bubbly, and loves to talk. She is extremely nice." she continued. I can only hope I will get to meet her one day.

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