Chapter - eight

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Night Out

We caught the unsub, he was a janitor at the gym all the girls went to. He watched them and at night he would abduct them, throwing them into a van. Everyone says your first case takes a toll on you and I see now what they mean. Seeing what happened to those girls is something I'll never forget, but saving the latest victim's life and preventing him from doing it again made it all worth it in my eyes.

"So," Rossi said sitting down in the seat in front of me on the jet. "How was your first case?"

"Considering we saved victim #3 before it was too late, I'd say it went well," I answered.

"Yeah that's true, you did an amazing job agent."

"Thank you, sir,"

When we arrived at Quantico we had paperwork to finish. Everyone finished about an hour later and was grouped around the desks. I joined them after I handed in my finished files to Hotch.

"We should celebrate Elora's first finished case tonight," JJ suggested. I was about to shoot down the idea but then everyone agreed. Everyone but Reid.

"What about you sunray, you in?" Derek asked.

"I don't know, I'm not really in the going out mood," I said and everyone sighed.

"Come on, we're celebrating your first case." Emily pushed.

"Elora pleaseee!" Pen begged.

"I'll go if you can convince the doctor to go," I said motioning towards Reid who was packing his bag and getting ready to go home.

"On it," Morgan replied, walking over to Reid. they talked for a minute or so before Derek returned.

"He agreed."

"No, he didn't," I said half shocked, half disappointed.

"Yes, I did," Reid said joining the group again.

"Oh, come on. I was counting on you to say no."

He shrugged then I was pulled away from the group by the girls. We decided to walk out to our cars together and talk about it later.

"Ooh, what are you guys wearing?" Penelope asked the group. Everyone thought for a second before answering but I simply shrugged. I don't own too many club dresses and I honestly have no idea what I'm going to wear.


I made it home 15 minutes later with 2 hours to spare. I decided to take an extra long shower to wash away my feelings about the last case. I really didn't want to go out, I wanted to stay home and binge Netflix with a bowl of popcorn. Nonetheless, I got out of the shower and started blow drying my hair. 

I walked over to my closet and stared at my different dresses, not many options. I hesitantly pulled out a long sleeve off the shoulder black dress and placed it on my bed. I pulled out matching black ankle strap heels and placed them next to the dress. I put on the outfit and stared at myself in the mirror. If I were the same person from 4 months ago I would have changed into jeans, but I'm not so I grabbed my purse and walked out the door.

It was early fall so the weather was bearable. I drove to the club that we had decided to go to and parked outside. In the parking lot, I reapplied my red lipstick and brushed my fingers through my hair before walking into the club. I was a little late and everyone was already there seated at a table. I took a deep breath and walked over.

"Looks like everyone beat me here, and I thought we were celebrating my first case," I said as I approached and I caused a couple of chuckles to escape.

"We are, that's why we waited for you before we took the first shot!" Penelope said.

"Okay, awesome. Bottoms up!"


An hour and few drinks later, the team was scattered around the club. Penelope and JJ were tearing it up on the dance floor, Derek and Emily were both talking to different people, Rossi claimed he was too old to go clubbing and left not that long ago, and Hotch claimed he had lots of paperwork to do so he didn't even come. That left me and Reid at the table.

"So, Dr.Reid-" I started but was interrupted by him.

" yo-you don't have to call me doctor. Reid or Spencer is fine."

"Okay then, spencer. Tell me about yourself."

I knew that he was a genius and that he knew literally anything and everything but I didn't know he could read 20,000 words per minute or that he had an eidetic memory. To say I'm super impressed would be an understatement.

He asked about me and I told him what he wanted to hear. How I grew up in England and moved here when I was young. Got a job at Ramon industries and slowly climbed to the top as one of the best coders there. I told him about my family and how much I miss them. I told him relatively all the 'good' things and left out some things that wouldn't fit in the same category.

About an hour and a half had passed while we were in conversation, but it didn't seem that way for me. Time flew by when I was talking with spencer. We were pulled back into the real world when Pen and JJ came back to the table with some drinks.

"Where's Morgan and Emily?" JJ asked placing a drink in front of me.

"Morgans been talking to a girl over there for a while and I'm pretty sure Emily left," I answered.

They nodded and started sipping their drinks. Unknowingly we all started watching people and profiling them. I guess it's hard to turn that part of our brains off.

I looked at the time on my phone and realized that it was late. I was extremely tired and decided it was probably time to leave.

"I think it's time for me to go," I said getting down from my chair before tripping and nearly falling.

"I don't think you can drive," Penelope said giggling at me tripping. I smacked her arm and rolled my eyes. "I know, I'll walk. My apartments not that far," I said my goodbyes then made my way over to my car to grab a change of shoes and a blanket.

"You're going to leave your car here?" someone behind me asked which caused me to jump a little. I quickly turned around to see who asked me the question.

"Oh my goodness Spencer, you scared me!"

"Sorry," he apologized looking down. I chuckled then grabbed my bag from my car before locking it. "Yeah, I'll just pick it up tomorrow."

He nodded and I was about to bid my goodbye to him but he talked first.

"Mind if I walk with you."

"Nope, not at all."


Spencer walked with me all the way to my apartment. He claimed he wanted to make sure I got there safely, which is funny because I'm sure if someone tried to come after us I would be the one protecting Spencer. Nonetheless, I enjoyed his company and continuing our conversation from earlier.

"This is me," I said stopping in front of an apartment complex.

"Okay, um- goodnight Elora."

"Goodnight Spencer."

I made my way up to the lobby door and turned back and saw spencer still standing there. I chuckled and waved him goodbye and went inside a second after he returned the wave.

maybe... he's not that bad.

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