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True Love

It's been a couple of years since I told the love of my life how I felt. That was the best decision of my life. Spencer and I have been together for 2 years now. I've been my happiest for 2 years. As expected the team was super happy that we finally got together, I think my ears are still ringing from Penelope's squeal. 

Today is actually my and Spencer's 2 year anniversary. We're meeting up at a park, right now, then going out to dinner later. 

"Wow, it's so beautiful," I muttered to myself as I entered the park. It was almost sundown so the light hit the leaves on the trees, nicely.  I sat down at a bench near the entrance, just looking at the scenery.  A little while later I heard chattering and I turned around to see who had come. I was super surprised when I saw the team.

I got up and walked over to them. "what are you guys doing here?" I asked as I approached. 

"Oh hey Elora, we just thought it would be nice to get out, so we came here," JJ answered.

"All of you?" I asked looking at the team. Everyone nodded.

Something's up.

"You look all dolled up there Sunray," Derek remarked.

"I can say the same for you guys as well. okay, what is going on?" 

Everyone just shook their heads and muttered something in the lines of 'nothing'. 

"For a bunch of Profilers, you guys are really bad at lying," I commented. "Anyway, Spencer and I are going out to dinner, though he is running a little late," I said looking at the time.

I saw the team look past me at someone and it caused me to turn and look myself. 

"Well, there he is," I said and walked over to Spencer.

"Hi, love." He greeted me with a hug.

"Hi... do you know why the team is here?"

"I have an idea, yes," He said. He was kinda pale and sweating a little.

"Spencer, are you alright?"

"I'm great," He answered a little too quickly.

okay, something is definitely going on.

"Elora," Spencer said pulling me out of my suspecting thoughts. "I have something I want to tell you," He took my hand and led me to the bench I was sitting at earlier.

"I love you, more than I've loved anything or anyone in my life. when I met you, I was satisfied. I didn't need anything else, all I needed was you. And as time went on, that statement, of me needing only you, became clearer. I need you Elora, and I always will. I need your love, I need to love you, all the days of the rest of my life."

"Spencer, what's going on?" I asked at Spencer's sudden burst of affection. He always does it, telling me randomly that he loves me, but this time it's different. This time is... more.

Then he got up from the bench and down on one knee. A gasp escaped my lips when he pulled out a small black velvet box.

"Elora, you make me the happiest version of myself. I want to spend the rest of my life with you," he said while a few tears had escaped my eyes.

𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚁𝚊𝚢 ~ 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚛 𝚁𝚎𝚒𝚍Where stories live. Discover now