Chapter - thirteen

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Goodbye For Now

Silence. If the number one cause of death was silence, I wouldn't be surprised. I would be a part of those statistics. Because, right now, sitting in my car outside of spencer's apartment at 3 am, in complete silence is lethal. The silence is deadly, at least it is for me. After 3 minutes of only hearing cars drive by and the engine of my car, Spencer broke the deadly silence.

"Yeah I think of that too," he said in almost a whisper.

"Spencer," I say turning to him and he turns to face me. I take a moment to read him and I can tell that he was telling the truth but I still ask "Really?"

He nods and cleared his voice. "And because of that, I have to say this... I still like you, Elora, a lot."

I may be a profiler but I definitely did not expect him to say that. My first reaction was to laugh and tell him how good of a joke it was but I didn't, because it wasn't a joke. I'm not one for using metaphors, but at this moment I literally had a heart in my hands. And I didn't want to harm it.

"Spencer," I started, running my hand through my hair. "I'm broken. I'm like broken glass and there's no way of fixing me without getting harmed."

"I-i don't-" he stammered

"Spencer, your one of my best friends. That means that I would want to protect you from anything harmful, and in this situation...that's me." 

I turned to look at him, and I could see the sadness in his eyes. He turned to open the door and leave.

"Spencer, im- I'm sorry." he nodded, still with his back to me, and left.


I was left alone with my thoughts on the drive back home. I got there around 3:25 am. While I was still parked in the parking lot, I decided to make a phone call.

"Hotchner," I heard after a few rings.

"Hey Hotch, I was wondering if I'm able to take a few personal days?"

"Yeah, that's fine."

"Okay, thank you," I said and was about to hang up.

"Uh- Wilson, is everything alright?"

"Yeah, everything's fine." I knew hotch didn't believe it and honestly neither did I.

"Okay, is there anything you want me to say if the team asks where you are?"

"Just that ill be back soon and um... try to get along without me." I think all this lack of sleep is getting to me cause I swear I heard Hotch chuckle.

"Okay will do. Enjoy your days off and come back whenever you're ready."

"Thanks, Hotch, goodnight." I hung up and got out of the car.

As I walk into my complex, I pull out plane tickets on my phone. I get into my apartment and head straight into my closet for my suitcase. I pack all the clothing I think I'll need for my trip back home. 


After 1 hour of packing everything from clothing down to my toothbrush. I finally got into my bed to sleep, but I only was able to get 2 hours before my phone screamed at me to get up and head to the airport.

I got to the airport around 8:15 am and I got myself a large coffee and a croissant. I sat down in front of my gate and occupied myself with a good book. After about 20 minutes of peaceful reading, I took out my phone to check the time and found multiple text messages.

From: Pen G

Pen G:  hey, I heard you're taking some time off. Sad I won't see my favorite person for a few days. Can't wait till you get back! Love You! -8:18 am

From: Emily

Emily:  Hope everything is alright, can't wait till your back. And we'll try to get along. See you soon. -8:21 am

From Pen G

Pen G:  may or may not have seen that you bought a plane ticket to England. Hope all is well, Say hi for me. Xoxo. -8:34 am

I chuckled lightly to myself at the last text message. Honestly, I'm not surprised Penelope did some digging at my sudden disappearance.

"Terminal 12A7 to Bristol UK, now boarding at gate 5."

I Stuffed my phone into my pocket and make my way over to the line.

"Goodbye...for now," I muttered and board the plane.


mood board 

mood board 

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