Icy release chapter 8

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Iceberg sighed, flipping over to his other side once more. It was so hot in the building, even with his fan blowing and the window open. He rolled over again, his sheets were soaked in sweat by now.

Iceberg laid on his back.'What the fuck happened to the AC?'

He got up, disturbing Oxy, who had been cuddling up to him for the past few minutes. Iceberg grabbed his keys and walked over to his neighbor's, the Dang's. He knocked.

An old, wide eyed, Vietnamese man stuck his head out the door. He was coated in sweat. "Hello?"

Ice gave him a small smile and wave. "Hey Mr. Dang, I just came by to ask if you heard anything about the AC blowing out."

He nodded. "Evening Mr. Crosburgh, I called the landlord earlier and he said the machine broke. He doesn't know when it will get fixed."

Ice looked down. "Fuck..." He breathed. "Well, thanks, update me when you can."

Dang nodded. "Of course."

With a sigh, Ice walked back to his apartment, frustrated. He paced in the living room for a bit, thinking on what to do. Ice had scratched out bunking in at the office, getting a reverse heater, using ice. The last option was a lot of fans. He let his head fall in his hands before running his fingers through his sweaty hair.

'Right as Gears moved in, just my luck.'

Ice's head shot up when he heard a loud groan from Gears' room.

He moved toward the door, hesitant, and knocked. "Dr. Gears? Are you okay?"

No response. Ice knocked again, repeating himself. Silence. Ice shuffled, worried. He didn't want to break the man's privacy, but the lack of response scared him. Another soft groan came from behind the door.

Ice squared his shoulders, he needed to check on Gears. "I'm coming in, whether you like it or not."

He jiggled the handle, finding the door unlocked, and entered the room. A wave of hot air hit Ice's face, making him blink. He looked around, spotting Gears splayed out on top of his bed, carbie pawing at his shoulder. Gears was flushed, his wheezing loud, his body stiff. Ice moved towards him cautiously, pressing the tips of his fingers to his skinny ankle to gauge his temperature. Gears' leg twitched away from his touch. From what Ice could tell, Gears was running another fever.

He frowned. "Dammit Gears."

Ice climbed on the bed to press his hand to his boss's forehead. Very hot, definitely another fever. Ice sighed and pulled his hand away. To his surprise, Gears whimpered and tried to follow before groaning again and falling back onto his bed.

'Okay, maybe I can help.'

Ice pressed his hand up against Gears' face again, noting how his tense expression seemed to slowly soften. Ice pulled away and the man whimpered, trying to follow once more. Ice nodded to himself, took a deep breath, and laid on top of Gears, making sure to have as much body contact as possible. It was awkward for a few moments, Gears was shivering and stiff and Ice tried desperately to stay still. The awkwardness faded soon enough and Gears' body began to relax. Ice relaxed with him, sighing quietly, relieved to feel his boss's fever go down. Then Gears woke up.

Gears blinked, confused at the cold weight on his chest. He looked down, greeted by a cloud of white hair.

"Hello...Iceberg... What are you doing?"

Ice looked up at him, resting his chin on his chest. "You have a fever, I'm cooling you down."


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