Bad SCP Movie fic

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A/N: This is based off a tumblr post that I transcribed to the document, but can't find anymore. It was supposed to be half from a normal person's perspective and half from the 'Mary Sue's' distorted one. Shame that I never even got around to writing the second chapter.

My terrible SCP movie Plot

If somebody kills me for making this post I wouldn't be mad

So it's a romantic Comedy were it is learned that SCP 096 has a sister. Now this sister doesn't look like 096 no no no if that were true how would we get the fans, instead 096 sister is basically just a cutesy anime girl who "Swuper Shwy and Nweeds a fweind" it's got big titties and is just hot as shit. And then some D class who is the cool guy who takes no shits falls in love with her and they get married

Some other things

Dr.Bright is the main antagonist (not shocking really) but is only really just trying to steal 096s man and nothing bright like. AND is played by amy schumer. There is no talk about the whole gender thing except for really bad jokes like "HaHa it's looks like a girl but it's a boy Haha"

There's like so many thicc furry SCP fan sevice. Big titty 682 is a thing and it's BBBAAADDD

Also all SCPs are like really poorly CGI in

There is a moment when a Political message is like hammered in there and it's just awful. Like one second it's "UwU D-class Is love you" and then it's like "HERES WHY ABORTION IS WRONG"


The scratching of Dr. Randolph's pen was the only sound in the room. Alongside the weeping of course. 096 never stopped crying, Randolph had never understood why, none of the hundreds of scientists could figure out why the monstrous being would never cease his weeping. Well, he would, only if he was chasing someone down after they looked at his face. Then, he screamed. Randolph felt a bit of pity for the being, despite knowing better. He always chalked it up to the constant tears getting to him. 096 sounded like he was in pain, he sounded so human. Almost like he was mourning. Randolph shivered. The monitoring room was always so cold. He hated it, the room was so dark and cold, for no reason. Only a desk, a chair, and the sound and motion sensors were in the room. None of it needed any special treatment, the room had no business being so dark or cold. Well, the rest of the building was constantly blasting the A/C but never to this extent.

A soft knock resounded through the room. "Dr. Randolph?"

Randolph turned, greeted by someone he'd never seen before. "Yes that's me."

The wide eyed, baby faced person gave a small but sweet smile. "Uhm, I'm here to take the shift?"

Randolph smiled. "Finally, I was starting to get frostbite in here." He chuckled.

"Do I just sit here?"

"Yeah, your only job is to not fall asleep. If you hear anything weird, make a note and send it my way." Randolph patted the strawberry blonde haired newbie's head, nudging them towards the desk.

They looked around. "Why's it so dark and cold?"

Randolph shrugged. "Your best guess is as good as mine pal. Have fun."

The newbie gave a short wave before closing the door. Randolph sighed, happy to get his blood flowing again. He walked the familiar path through the halls to the break room, he desperately needed a frappe and a bag of chips. When he arrived at the entrance he was greeted with an odd sight. Dr. Kondraki alone in the middle of the room carrying, what looked like, Dr. Clef's barefoot legs to the ceiling. Dr. Clef's upper body was not present in the scene.

SCP WiPs that I'll never finish.Where stories live. Discover now