Icy release chapter 3

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Gears awoke to nothing changed. Ice was still asleep on his chest, the cats still around. He scanned the room, wondering what woke him up. A distant, muffled beeping caught his ear. His alarm clock. Gears blinked, unsure of what to do. He didn't want to move to turn it off, but couldn't stand the noise. Carbie meowed from the floor.

He thought for a moment. "Carbie." He said quietly. "Could you get that off?" He pointed to his ajar door. "You'll get a treat."

The cat blinked at him before slowly getting up, stretching, and padding off to his room. Gears winced at the loud thud that came from within a few seconds later. The cat returned, dragging his phone along by the cord on its case.

'Smart cat.'

Carbie didn't come back over however, he curled up in front of his bowl and began chewing on the case.


Gears made quiet kissy noises at the cat for a few minutes, before giving in and letting him play with it. Ice murmured and adjusted his position. After a few more minutes, Carbie walked over with the spit covered phone.


The cat still did not relent, laying down once more and chewing the case. Gears breathed out a quiet exasperated sigh, letting his head fall back into its previous position. After a while, the cat left and Gears all but dove for the phone. 7:10, he and Ice would've clocked in by now, but they were 'sick'. He called in.

The phone rang twice before someone picked up. "Hello?" Dr. Glass' soft voice asked.

"Good morning Dr. Glass." Gears replied with his hoarsest sickly croak, his just awakening only furthered the horrid rasp.

"Holy shit are you okay!? You sound like you just ate nails and washed it down with asphalt."

"I seem to have caught something, Dr. Iceberg seems infected too."

"Shit, calling in?"

"Yes, unfortunately."

"Right, I'll get your work divvied up. You should get some rest."


"Kay, see ya."


As soon as Glass hung up, Gears let out a sigh of relief, this was the first time in years he gave himself a break. The idea of playing hooky made a shot of giddiness rise up his throat and come out in a boyish giggle. Ice stirred and grumbled, popping open a bleary eye.

He looked up at Gears. "Why ya gigglin?" He asked through Gears' chest.

"No reason."

"Ya sure?"


A worrying glint formed in Ice's eye, a grin on his lips. "What did you do?"

"Nothing." Gears affirmed, sticking his nose up to break Ice's mischievous gaze.

He grinned wider. "What did ya doo~?" He asked again, more playfully.

"Like I said, nothing." Gears paused to goad Ice's anticipation. "I only did what you asked."

Ice burst into raucous laughter, his eyes glittered with impishness. "Holy shit! You did it! You're going against the Foundation, what do you have to say for yourself fiend?" Ice teased.

Gears dramatically placed his hand on his forehead, giving an exaggerated sigh as he did. "I don't know what's come over me! Why, it may be the influence of the white haired devil atop me!"

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