Part One - Just a Prank

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Book adjusted her tie and grumbled, looking her appearance up and down in the reflection of the mirror. Her green and blue eyes flicked around, taking herself in.

Book was a stocky woman, short and wide. Her blue and green hair was neatly trimmed, brushing against her shoulders. She was dressed neatly, though she continued to fidget with her skirt, brushing down the petticoat to keep it from fluffing up too much. She looked presentable, yes, but a voice in the back of her mind itched her brain.

"Awful stuffy clothes, don't you think?" A familiar snort and cackle followed. Eyebrows furrowing, Book loosened her tie and rolled her shoulders, making her blouse and vest rustle. "You kinda come off as well-read, you know," The voice continued, the memory of her past friend becoming more clear.

That morning, Two had let the EXITors and BFB contestants stay for a while. Upon hearing of the situation with Four, they took pity on the contestants and let them hang around. Two was even kind enough to provide them a party that night, seeing how the situation was taking a while. Despite their kindness, Book found herself dreading the decision. Now without the restraint of a team or alliance, Pencil was emboldened, her teasing being more pointed and harsh towards the "alternate". Book left the bathroom, filling the empty hall with the sound of her shoes clacking against the floorboards. Outside, the murmur of contestants drowned out the soft roll of music playing.

"Nice of the hosts to throw a party, especially with being out so late..." Book said to herself. She fidgeted with the buttons on her vest, face blushing lightly. As she walked through the living room of her small apartment, Pencil's smug face hung in her mind. "Just ignore her, she'll eventually decide to leave you alone," Book mumbled to herself. She swung the door open and walked down the empty hall.

The elevator trip was short, thankfully. Ever since she was stuck in the broken elevator for the first challenge, the small, mechanical box made her nervous. Passing through the lobby, she could hear the voices and music. Already, the thrumming of EDM was getting to her, rattling through her paper body. Despite her distaste for loud noise, Book took in a breath and pushed open the front doors.

Loud bassy music rattled through Book as she closed the door behind her, wincing along with the gentle bite of a cool breeze. The starry night sky twinkled above, dulled by the lanterns hanging from makeshift posts and long strings of twine. A few tables, decked out with snacks and drinks, sat lining the front lawn, where everyone else was gathered. Eyeing the crowd, Book gulped and felt her stomach drop. While she wasn't nearly as terrified of crowds as Saw was, she certainly hated them. All the chattering and blabbering made her head upset. Her hand clung to the doorknob, and she backed towards the door. Just as she turned to go back inside, she slipped into a memory.


"Come on!" Ruby whined, tugging at Book's sleeve. Her messy red hair gleamed like crystal in the light as she shook her head. "You'll have so much fun! You never come out for parties anymore!" Ruby stuck out her bottom lip in a pout. Ruby was somehow shorter than Book, though she was lanky and dressed in baggy mismatched clothing. Book, who had been reading when Ruby crawled through her window, sighed.

"As fun as parties are, I'm afraid a crowd that big might overwhelm me," Book rustled Ruby's hair, shifting the light and casting little sparkles of red light onto the wall. Ruby puffed her cheeks.

"But you don't know that! You did fine with Freesmart!" Ruby protested. Book finally shut the book she was reading, being sure to memorize the page number and title.

"They were six people I knew well, Ruby," Book began, her voice soft, but weary. It was a tone she often used with Ruby when the small girl got fussy. She ignored the fact that she was often kicked out of the parties anyways. "This party will have nearly seventy people, and that's not including the other residents of the hotel," Book's stomach dropped at the thought, making her shudder. Ruby finally stopped tugging on Book's blouse and crossed her arms, thinking.

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