Part Nine - Plans

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The next day was not much better.

Tennis Ball and Golf Ball left their laboratory for home when they saw Saw standing in the middle of the path, eyes wide and trembling.

"Saw! What are you doing out here?" Golf Ball asked, her voice edging on scolding. Saw was unable to respond. She only pointed deeper into the shrubs, her bottom lip quivering. The scientist followed her gaze and froze. It was just on the verge of vanishing into the woods, looking just like the silhouette of a branch. However, it was far too straight to be a branch, far

"Saw?" Tennis Ball asked, looking into the woods.

"G...G-eight-y..." Even her vocal tic was quiet. Her voice trembled in fear.

There, amongst the shrubs, far into the woods and barely visible, was a leg.


News about Gaty's death spread quickly, proving that there was a murderer loose. Panic swept through the contestants just as fast, and before either of the two scientists knew it, the dining hall was in an uproar.

"What are we gonna do?" Barf Bag asked over the calamity. "We can't just sit here and cower until Two comes back!"

"W-What if they kill Two?" Cake whimpered.

"That's ridiculous, you saw how hard it was for me to even try to kill Four," Pillow tried to comfort Cake to no avail. The crowd continued to erupt into chaos, though a few straggled off to escape the constant noise. In the hall, two stood, one rubbing her temple and mumbling.

"Hey, you okay?" asked the shorter of the two. Coiny looked up at his taller friend. She turned and smiled as warmly as she could at that moment, a lock of her bright red hair falling over her eye.

"Just...noisy," Pin said. Despite this, her face betrayed a look of anxiety. Coiny held her hand in his own and stroked her knuckles with his thumb.

"Hey, it's alright, we should be safe," Coiny said. "You heard TB, as long as we stick together, B—" Coiny cut himself off. "Uh...the murderer shouldn't come to get us."

"Oh, cut the formalities," Another voice came from the doorway. Coiny and Pin turned to see Lollipop and Gelatin. Lollipop leaned against the doorframe while Gelatin bounced on his heels to her side. "We all know Book's out there stabbing people, no need to point the blame away from her," Lollipop rolled her eyes as she spoke.

"Well, that's not necessarily true...We just haven't found her, is all," Pin said. Lollipop scoffed.

"Yes, we haven't found her, but at the same time, there have been two murders in the area where she vanished, and we haven't found her body,"

"She could be dead," Gelatin butt in. "...But then again, I'm sure we would've heard her scream from miles away. She's not very quiet,"

"Either way, we should be just fine," Coiny said, glancing at the carpet. "Book or not, it's one person doing this, so if we travel in groups, they can't overpower us," The rest of the small group nodded, the faint chaos of the dining hall filling the air.


"This is ridiculous~," Barf Bag leaned back in her chair, nearly tipping it over before Donut caught it.

"Try not to spill yourself, please," He said. Barf Bag looked at him from under a mop of dirty blonde hair and groaned.

"We're gonna start dropping like flies soon if we don't do anything!"

"Tennis Ball said we should stay together, the killer can't be that bold,"

"How do we know that?" Barf Bag threw her arms up in the air. "For all we know, there could be multiple killers! At the very least, we should figure out what's going on!"

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