Part Thirteen - Enough is Enough

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Chaos enveloped the hotel.

Phones rang from their receivers, only to be slammed back down. The air filled with a cacophony of noise, voices rattling off of the walls and through the halls. Panicked tears and rage-filled shouting called out to a host that couldn't hear them, a host with no means to reach them.

Stranded and doomed, the contestants had to fend for themselves.

Liy, on the other hand, found it all to be ridiculous.

She had dealt with death many times before. Ever since she was little, the concept of recovery baffled her. How was recovery possible? Did objects have souls that could be reformed? If so, what's stopping them from reforming themselves? What was preventing objectkind from going farther and inventing immortality, going so far as the cure illness? These questions led her down a dark path, a path she was staring down once again for the first time in years. Then again, she could see why Taco came to her. Death was a concept Liy had grown familiar with to the point of apathy.

She stared at Pin and Coiny's lifeless bodies as they hung limp on the fence. Impaled, and together, no less. A fall from the roof could easily kill, especially when striking something so hard. Taco stood next to Liy, pale and shaking, but at least not screaming. Liy absentmindedly tapped her nose, toggling it back and forth.

"...So, you think Book did this?" Liy asked. Taco nodded.

"Several people said they saw her retreat from the ledge," Taco said. Her voice was quiet. Liy pursed her lips and nodded.

"Overpowering Pin of all people's quite the feat," Liy's voice showed less horror at the sight in front of her and more of a...morbid appreciation. "From what info I've gathered, she's one of the strongest contestants here. Must be some helluva drug Book's on," Liy chuckled. Taco gave Liy a confused look.

"Wait, info?" Taco asked.

"I have a list of contestants I could overpower, just in case," Liy said, blunt as ever. Taco opened her mouth to probe but clamped it shut.

"Okay, cool," Taco said. "What are we gonna do now, though? Chances are GB and TB died, and from what I've been hearing, Lolli and Gelatin are goners too," Taco rubbed her temple. "For all we know, Book's in the damn hotel, and if we even try to gang up on her, our asses are done for,"

"Not necessarily..." Liy mused. "I've been thinking, and I think I have a plan that'll work...How long has she been out for?"

"S...Six days?" Taco said. Liy nodded, a small smile on her face.

"Good, she's well into the hallucination stage."


Barf Bag slammed an open palm on the table, making it rattle. Donut and Winner both flinched as she began to speak.

"Screw the lockdown! Book is weak as...well, paper! She just got lucky," Barf Bag said, her voice ricocheting off the walls. "The three u=of us could easily take her down if we stick to the plan!"

"Your plan is moot though," Donut grumbled. "She's in the hotel, luring her out to the woods is just gonna be a pain," He huffed.

"Well, we can't just sit here! We're sitting ducks! She could barge in here any moment now and stab us!" barf Bag exclaimed. Winner thought for a moment, then perked up.

"Wait, since she's already in here, all we'd have to do is restrain her," They said. "After that, we can...well, do whatever it is we do in these situations," Winner knew exactly what was planned, but the thought alone made their stomach turn. Barf Bag's tone shifted, going from frustrated to a revelation.

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