Part Two - Concern

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Book stood, braced against the table, holding an empty cup. She shook, despite not having eaten or drank much. The music thumped through her skull but was unintelligible. It was like the stereo was playing multiple tracks over one another. She groaned, rubbing her head. Her fingers trembled. It was like the old all-nighters she would pull back at home when her studies would get in the way of her sleep. For a moment, she felt taken back to her childhood room, hunched over a desk, stomach sick from all the coffee she drank, but more invested in the words before her.

"Hey, Bubble?" Book asked, looking over at her pal. Her focus felt laser-sharp, at least. Bubble looked to Book and frowned.

"Yeah, Book?" She asked.

"What's in the punch?"

"The punch? It's just fruit," Bubble took a sip. She hadn't finished her cup quite yet. "Oi haven't seen anyone spoike it, Oi've been here all noight," Bubble put a hand on Book's shoulder and rubbed it. Book could feel every bit of Bubble's hand, which struck her as odd. She looked up and scanned the crowd, watching them dance and chatter. Everyone seemed sober, they even looked to be having the times of their lives. Book gulped, her lips dry. Everything around her moved like they were all drowning in syrup. It was all too slow. Book felt her paper muscles twitch and tense. With a gentle shake, Book returned to earth.

"Book, are you oikay?" Bubble asked. Her brow was furrowed in concern. Book opened her mouth, but struggled to put her thoughts into words.

"I..." She started. Her vision glazed over for a moment. She shook her head, steadying herself. "I think I may have...eaten too much," Book said. At least, that's what she was telling herself.

"But you've barely ate..." Bubble said. "Oire you shoire you oiren't sick?" Bubble asked.

"I—" Book began but was interrupted by a harsh voice.

"Book!" Match called out. Book jumped again, extra on edge from...whatever was happening to her. Book whipped her head around, though her pupils trembled from her constantly twitching eyes. Match marched up, Pencil being dragged behind in tow. Book put down her cup. Match thrust Pencil towards Book and crossed her arms. "Pencil has, like, something to tell you," Match glared at Pencil under her bangs. Pencil sighed.

"Come on, this way," Pencil grumbled, walking around the table and nudging Book towards the hotel. Book gulped, her stomach protesting the sudden movement. The crowd around her seemed to constrict her. Faces blurred together, and passing conversations grew louder and quieter much more than normal. Finally, they reached the stoop once more, and Book took a breath. She hadn't even realized she was holding her breath. Pencil turned to Book, but she refused to look the chubby woman in the eyes. Book looked up, hands twitching.

"...Uhm...?" Book asked. "Penc—"

"There's something in your drink." Pencil blurted out. However, she said it so quickly that Book couldn't process it.

"...What?" Book asked. The words swam around her head.

"Look, I..." Pencil pursed her lips, now realizing what her practical joke truly was. "I may or may not have slipped a caffeine dose into your punch," Pencil glanced over to the side, trying not to look too bothered. "I kinda thought it'd be funny to see you go on a sugar hype like how Ruby does, but...the dose may have been...kinda strong," Pencil kicked at the dirt, chewing her lip. Book blinked. She looked at her hands, then up at Pencil again. All in a moment, the sounds of the crowd grew further, as well as the music and lights. Everything that had seemed so overwhelming a moment ago now became distant and dull.

"You..." Book droned, her voice monotone. "You drugged me?" Book cocked her head. Pencil tensed.

"Hey! Drugged is a strong word," Pencil snapped. "It was supposed to be a prank, but I didn't..."

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