Part Fifteen - Rest

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"Dear lord," Two muttered. They rubbed their temples and leaned over the hotel's help desk. Of all mornings, it just had to be the morning after a week of hassling with Four. They returned to a hotel of panicked and stressed objects, all too scared to leave their rooms because someone was drugged and on a murderous rampage. The process of recovery was long and tiring on its own, and that wasn't including finding the bodies and disposing of their remains. Two looked around the main hall as the objects wandered around, still somewhat on edge. Pencil had been returned to the EXIT early to be dealt with later, and Two decided to postpone the challenge until things settled down. As for Book...

"Two?" Taco's voice brought Two out of their thoughts. They straightened in their chair and gave Taco a warm smile.

"Ah! Hello little one, what can I do for you?" Two asked. Taco drummed her fingers against the desk and chewed her lip.

"I was wondering, it's been about a day since you put Book in lockdown...can I...?" Taco looked up at them, and they understood.

"Are you sure?" Two asked. Taco nodded.

"She's gotta return someday, the viewers'll notice she's gone otherwise," Taco said. Two clicked a pen anxiously.

"I suppose we ought to start reintroducing her..." They mused. They stood up from their desk and nodded. "Follow me, I'll escort you there."

The elevator dinged and rattled open, letting Two and Taco out onto the Just Not's floor. Book's door was marked by a large yellow sign reading "KEEP OUT". Two led Taco over and unlocked the door.

"Shout if you need me," Two said. Taco nodded and entered the apartment. Already, she could hear Book rustling in her bed. She peeked around the corner and found Book curled up in her sheets, sleeping. As Taco looked at her, Book blinked awake and lifted her head. Her hair was a frizzy mess, and a trail of drool dribbled from her mouth. Other than her hair, she was back to normal, the recovery having returned her to her formal form.

"Huh? Taco?" Book asked, rubbing her eyes. Taco sighed in relief.

"Oh thank gordita, you're okay," Taco said. Book gave her a quizzical look.

"What do you mean?" Book asked. She wiped the drool from her lips, grimacing in disgust a bit. Taco sat on the edge of Book's bed.

"You...don't remember the past week?" Taco asked. Book tensed.

"A week? Have I been asleep that long?" Book rubbed her head. "O-Oh dear, I hope I didn't miss anything," Taco winced. "...What?" Book asked.

"Uh...what do you remember?" Taco asked. Book thought for a moment.

"I remember Pencil spiking my drink...and then talking to you and getting sick...but after that, everything's a blur," Book said. "I think I fell asleep and had the most vivid dream. It was awful! I was hurting so many people, and I wanted to stop, but I...I..." A realization dawned on Book, and she looked at Taco with mournful eyes. "That...wasn't a dream, was it?" Book asked. Her voice trembled with fear. Taco leaned in and hugged her, rubbing her back. Book sniffled, then buried her face in Taco's shoulder and wept.

"Sssh, it's okay," Taco said. Book pushed away.

"It's not okay! I killed people, Taco!" Book curled into a ball and ran her fingers through her hair. "I-I tortured them! I couldn't even give them the decency of a quick death!"


"I'm a monster! I-I didn't even think I was capable of hurting people like that!"

"Book, please—"

"Oh god!"

"Book!" Taco grabbed Book by the shoulders. From the door, Two peered in.

"Everything okay?" They asked. Taco looked back and nodded.

"Yeah, she found out what happened," Taco said. Two nodded and vanished back behind the door. Taco turned back to Book. "Listen, GB and TB were able to explain what happened. Everyone knows you were drugged up. Yeah, it's still...really, really awkward right now, but they understand, Book," Taco relaxed and held Book closer. "What matters is that you're okay now, that's all I care about," Book opened her mouth to protest, but Taco hushed her. They sat in silence for a while, then Book teared up.

"I...I hurt Icy..." Book whimpered. Taco held her in an embrace once more, and Book sobbed into her shoulder. They sat, holding each other for a good while as the sun rose higher into the sky. Finally, they let go, and Taco left.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Taco asked. Book nodded.

"I...I just need some time alone right now," Book said. Taco nodded and closed the door. Her and Two made their way back to the elevator, the sounds of the contestants below already drifting up the stairs. In her room, Book laid back on her bed and sighed. She stared at the ceiling, letting herself fall limp as she dozed off.

For now, all she needed to do was sleep.


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