Meeting for the first time

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Since the prologue kind of sucks and I'm feeling generous I'll give you the first chapter as well tonight ~Olive

Ryan's pov

I decided if I want to find Leo it's best to start in the last place I saw him the abandoned fairy. The military destroyed the silo but it's the only lead I've got, so right after school the first thing I do is get Harris and Spyder and head there.

On our way there Harris is the first to speak asking, "Ryan why are we going back to the robot's old silo?" "I felt a connection to someone as soon as I got home from our trip to space, and I need to find Leo he might be the only person who can tell me who I connected to with my powers." "Wait! What?! You felt a connection to another technopath?!" I nod slightly at him not quite sure myself if that's what they are or if I really connected to someone or if it was something else. It's strange though the closer I get to the old fairy the stronger the connection gets. 

We get there and the first thing I notice is the fairy seems repaired?. It's weird today is everything but normal. Well as normal as my life gets on any given day. Anyway the fairy is fixed the hologram tech used to hide the entrance is fixed it's no longer blown to pieces, so someone obviously is trying to build something here or rebuild MechX4.

Similar to when we first found the bot a lamp scans and confirms my identity except this time a robot doesn't come out to greet us by stomping on us. Instead were greeted by a girl who looks to be around our age. "You must be Ryan I'm Ella," she says in a soft voice, "You also probably have a lot of questions Leo is waiting to answer them, and yes he's building a new robot." Finally I speak up, "Who are you? How did Leo know the robot was destroyed? Why are we connected?" "I can't answer the first two questions but the third one I can answer. It's fairly simple really I'm a technopath just like you." I don't know when I started walking but I stop, "Your a technopath?! I thought I was the only one." "That's what everyone needed to believe Harper isn't the only threat out there, and well you were fighting him and his monsters I was hidden and in training. Leo's waiting to fill you in now there's a lot you still don't know. That we all still don't know," she says glancing to Harris and Spyder. "Look I know you want answers we both do I'm not even supposed to be here right now, but I'm risking a lot for answers. Don't think you're the only one with a lot on the line." With that she storms back towards the fairy leaving me frozen and speechless. I snap out of it when Spyder speaks up, "Who was that girl?" I shake my head, "I have no idea but I like her she's assertive and feisty. She did say her name was Ella but that's all I know right now." With that I run after the mystery girl and toward some answers.

Ella's pov

Stupid boys they don't realize how much is at stake. I'm lost in my thoughts when a voice pulls me from my thoughts, "Ella! That's your name right?" "Oh so you were listening. if you don't want to be here you don't have to be, but I thought it best to work with the original team."I start to walk off again when Ryan speaks again, "What do you mean we defeated the bad guy it's over." I shake my head slightly and sigh. I turn to face him for what I have to say next, "This is far from over. Something much worse is coming and your power alone isn't enough to stop it. Now can we go meet Leo? I have some things to discuss with him." Ryan simply nods letting me lead them into the new robot.

We've just gotten to the new robot that Leo built surprisingly fast when Ryan speaks again, "Leo built that in four days?" "Yes with some help from my father he was able to get the parts he needed a lot easier." Without another word I lead us into the robot that currently is just a shell with not a lot of tech inside, "Leo! We're here now tell me what you want from me!" I continue to guide the boys through the robot tell we get to where Leo was last at the control pad. "There you are. Ryan I was getting worried when I saw the robot burn up upon reentry I thought we'd lost you." I clear my throat getting everyone's attention, "Mind telling us what we're up against now?" "Ah yes we're dealing with more monsters but not just any monsters we're going up against your uncle and his team." I freeze, "You mean the man who killed my mother that uncle?!" "I'm afraid so, we knew this day would come Ella. He told you he'd come back for you and he's coming back." I start to panic, "No no no! I'm  not ready! I can't do this!" I start pacing taking deep breaths and shaking well I try to calm down. "Ella this is why you've been training. This is why you were in hiding for thirteen years." I stop the weight of everything crashing down on me. Suddenly everything starts spinning everything is fading to black. The last thing I hear before giving to the darkness is Ryan yelling, "Ella!"

Ryan's pov

Ella starts panicking I can feel her pain as she remembers what happened that day, and how her senses get overwhelmed and before I know it I'm rushing to her side feeling how weak she's getting, "Ella!" I yell to her but she must not hear me I managed to get to her in time to catch her as she fall unconscious. "Leo is the med bay up and running?" "Yeah get her down there to rest well Harris makes sure nothing is seriously wrong. I should have approached the subject more carefully I know how hard is for her to talk about her mother." "We can worry about that later Leo for now I want to know she's okay." He nods and I walk off carrying her cold form to the med bay.

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