Where's Harper?

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A/N quick note sorry I didn't publish this sooner don't be mad it took me so long I'm trying my best to keep up with my random ideas okay anyway enjoy!

Ryan's pov

On my way to the control center I bump into Harris and Spyder who bombard me with questions like, "Where's Ella? What happened to her? Did she tell you why she's scared of her uncle?" I stop walking and try to answer there questions, "She went to check on Leo, it's her story to share not mine, and yes she told me why she got so scared. When we first met she stood her ground and was assertive, but when she woke up she was timid and small. She spoke with a stutter started crying having a breakdown. It's weird she has barriers built to keep people out but she let me in told me her story. Now I'm gonna go see if there's anything I can do to help finish the robot." I walk off after saying that not giving them a chance to respond.

In the control center I notice there's to control pads one for me and one for Ella. I find Leo working on the defense panel and Ella on the weapons panel. "Leo do we both need to be on the control pads or can it be operated by one at a time?" "It can be operated by one or both of you if your both operating it will boost the power of the robot and make it easier to fight enemies." That's interesting I wonder what it's like to work with someone helping with control. "Can we take it out for a test run?" Leo shakes his head, "Not yet I need to get the weaponry ready in the cannon arm well Ella finishes the shields and makes sure the X-weapon is ready for testing." "Okay is there anything I can do to help?" Leo goes to speak but Olive beats him to it, "You can help by getting the crew to there stations we'll be ready for a test in like 30 minutes." I nod and go to gather my team.

I find Harris in the lab making a new mech link, "Harris what you doing?" "Oh hey Ryan I'm just making a Mech link for Leo since we gave his to Harper." I forgot about that now that I think about it we haven't seen Harper in days, "Speak of where is Seth?" He just shrugs his shoulders, "Said he needed to find Erik." I freeze, "Did you just say Erik?" He nods, "Yeah why what's wrong?" "Is that link ready?" He nods. I grab it and motion for him to follow, "Come on we need to go and we need to disconnect Harper's link." "Why?" "No time to explain but disconnect it then meet me in the control center in 20 minutes. I need to get Spyder, Mark, and Leo." "Okay but what's going on?" "I'll explain in the control center." He nods and gets to work well I run off to find Mark and Spyder. Since I already know where Leo is I'll go get him first.

Ella's pov

It's been 20 minutes and I've finished the defense systems I just need to run a scan on the X-weapon and just as I'm about to head down to the X-deck when Ryan rushes in with everyone, "Ella! Is everything ready?!" I shake my head, "No I still need to make sure the X-weapon is working properly." "Harris check the X-weapon Ella we need to talk now." "O-okay, here Harris this everything you'll need to run a scan and fix any issues since you designed it I trust you to fix it." Harris grabs the tablet and the tool I'm holding before heading to the X-deck. "Okay Ryan what's going on?" "Harper left a few days ago and none of us have heard from him since." "And that's a big deal why?" "Because before he left he said he was going to find someone. Someone named Erik." I feel my heart drop when I hear that name, "No no no! If it's who we think it is either Seth's in danger or-" "He turned on us," Ryan finishes my sentence knowing this is bad, "Ella it's your story so if you want to share it you can, but they need to know what we're up against." I shake my head I don't trust them enough yet, and honestly I don't know why I told Ryan I was just so scared and broken I couldn't hold it in anymore. "He's dangerous that's all you need to know." I say in a cold tone, "If Seth is on our side he's gonna need our help and I know where to start looking." I storm to the elevator and head out.

I know exactly where to go to start looking there's no tech there but it's the only place he knows I'll follow and still be able to beat me. This time I play it smart the thirties farm may not allow tech but I can still get it from nearby if things go sideways. "I'm coming for you Kain things are a secret for a reason." He went to the farm to get power from them, to get the secret they guard. The secret my mother died to protect what he doesn't know is the thing they guard was entrusted to someone outside of the farm. They knew if it stayed Erik Kain would come for it but they couldn't risk it falling into the wrong hands. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I realize I was being followed. Good thing I brought my swords today I unsheath them and get ready to strike when a voice stops me, "Woah! Ella it's me I'm not your enemy." "Why are you following me Ryan?!" I can't have him follow me it's not safe, "You stormed off I wanted to make sure you were okay." "There's a reason I left alone! You can't follow me it's not safe! There's some secret's that need to be kept secrets!" "I was wondering what you were babbling back in the robot." "Damnit Ryan! You can't be with me I'm to dangerous! I was hidden away for a reason!" He stops moving, "What do you mean?! We're a team now! You can't just go running off!" "I never said I was joining your stupid little team! Even if I wanted to I can't! He'll hunt you down! He'll kill you just like he did to my mother!" His confident facade falters telling me I hurt him, "Ryan look I don't want to hurt you but this is the only way." I put my swords back in there sheaths and take his hand in mine, "I know you feel it our connection. That connection is getting strong which means he'll realize I'm not the only threat to his plan, but if I keep moving he'll need to find me and kill me before he can even try to complete his plan. Hopefully I'm strong enough that you won't ever have to face him, so Ryan for my sake and yours let me go." I move my other hand to cup his cheek, "It's for the best."  Whatever trance he was in my touch snaps him out of it, "El you know I can't do that." He reaches his other hand up and places it over mine, "We need to stick together we're stronger together and you know that." I pull away, "And that's exactly why I can't stay. I'm sorry Ry I wish things were different," I take the dagger I keep and hit him with the butt of the handle over the head. Rendering him unconscious quickly I ping his team to come get him before I disappear into the forest. I pause and look back one last time, "I hope you can forgive me Ryan, but this is for the best." That's when I leave jumping and hiding in the trees making sure the team finds him before I leave. As soon as they arrive I leave using the trees to cover my escape.

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