Deleted Scene + afterword

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This story was written and completed in a little under a week; I probably spent about 30 total hours writing it. It's definitely the shortest book I've ever written, but I hope the character development and the main message came across: don't change yourself for the satisfaction of others. At least, I hoped that this was the main message that was delivered.

If you are suffering from an eating disorder, PLEASE don't be like Phoebe. Don't keep it to yourself and don't harm yourself— TALK to someone!

Reach out!

Seek help! Don't permanently damage your health by wanting to change something that's very superficial and ever-changing. People want to know you for who you are, not solely because of your appearance— something Phoebe couldn't quite understand.

It's really, really important also, in regard to those who bullied her, to ensure that we watch what we say in front of and behind people's backs. You never know who could be listening and overall, that just makes you a jerk. Kindness is a necessity and it's a sign of power. Bullying others, tearing people down to make yourself feel better, only displays insecurity and it spreads hate and it's not kind or okay.

As the saying goes "hurt people hurt people," but I hope that we can destroy this vicious cycle and try to forgive the past in order to move forward.

Anyway, if you have any burning questions or other inquiries, feel free to private message me, write on my discussion board, or email me:

PLEASE take care of yourselves and reach out. Don't isolate yourself for too long (and by that I am not suggesting going out with friends since we are still in a pandemic, but I do mean reach out to your friends online and meet new cool people who share your similar interests). I've seen friendships flourish on Wattpad and many people are happy to talk, myself included. Try to meet your type of crazy, for example, Ji-ho, and never allow other people to define your worth— anyway, that's enough of my unsolicited advice.

I hope you all stay safe and well and I want to thank you for reading this short story! If you're interested, follow me @veronicasoli and check out my other works!

Love you ❤️

-Deleted Scene Below-

"No! Phoebe! The reason people don't like you or don't want to date you ISN'T because you're fat. You've lost so much weight, you're practically killing yourself. People don't like you because you push them away. You are so standoffish and I've tried being your friend, but it's almost impossible! You push people away and blame it on your weight when in reality, it's your shitty personality." You treat everyone like they're your enemy. I don't know what happened in your past, but I'm trying to be your friend. Loneliness is a disease and I want to help you."

"I didn't ask for your friendship!" I growled, glaring at him from the inside of his family car. We'd gotten into an argument and I was ready to draw blood.

"There you go again! You think I don't know that!? I didn't befriend you because I pity you— unlike what you think of me." He shot back. He'd brought me straight to the hospital after we left the ski-resort. Now, we were parked outside as he tried to convince me to get a check-up.

"What do you want from me!?" I cried

"I want to be your friend! I want you to stop pitying yourself. I want you to stop starving yourself." He'd said.

"You're so frustrating! I didn't ask for your attention or your friendship. Or your pity." I could feel my anger levels rising, and I needed some air.

"Phoebe, I know you might hate me now, but you'll thank me later for..." he began again, but I cut him off.

"Ji-ho. I didn't ask you to take care of me. So take me home now and never speak to me again." I snarled, "you're not my parent or someone significant to me. You're just my friend so I would appreciate if you'd stop acting like my second helicopter mom and leave me alone."

He froze in his seat for a second before turning his burning gaze toward me. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks as I shivered under his gaze. It wasn't his eyes that made me blush, it was the freezing temperature in this December day in McAlester.

"I'd appreciate if you didn't continually force me to do things that I don't want to do. I don't have any issues so I don't see the point of trying to make me go inside. I'll never go. Just like I'll never drink that soup. So stop trying to control my life." I had leaned forward in my seat, turned toward him as I sat above the gear shift. Ji-ho didn't say anything for a few moments and I hoped that my point had finally come across.

"No. You're right. You have no issues and I'm ignorant for thinking you do." He finally said, disheartened and finally giving up. It seemed that his lackluster eyes had lost their sparkle as he started the car back up again. "I'm sorry for how I've treated you recently." He said.

I didn't respond, annoyed still that he kept trying to force me to 'get help' for a condition that I didn't have. I bit my lip as he turned to look at me.

"I'll see you in three weeks." Ji-ho said, but it sounded more like a question.

"Please just take me home." I responded, frustrated and in desperate need of space before I blew up on him. His demeanor had totally changed and he was silent for the remainder of the ride.

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