I Do Care...

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Kakuzu stood there in shock for a moment, until finally regaining his senses. Before he realized what he was doing, the man ran over to his partner and knocked the knife out of his hand. The miser then took his hand, and inspected the bleeding wounds. He knew that they wouldn't hurt him.. so why was he doing this? Why was he so worried? Kakuzu then looked up at Hidans face, now showing a bit of concern. "Listen here..I know..I act like an asshole....but that's because..that's because..I actually do care, ok?!" His grip on the Jashinist tightened "I care!! A fucking lot Hidan! Do you know how worried I was?! You didn't even tell me that you were going out! I DO FUCKING CARE!" He lowered his voice down to a whisper once again. "I- I just..don't want..to show it.."
Hidan stared at Kakuzu for a long while, in both shock and amazement. The last thing he expected was for him to come running. He looked at the blood running down Kakuzu's brown hands from his own arm. The jashinist fell to his knees in his puddle of blood, and began to cry silently. He hid his face in Kakuzus legs. When he could finally bring himself to look up at his partner, he said faintly, "Kaku.. could you... stitch them?"

This seemed like a simple request, but in fact it was not. When Hidan had been decapitated, Kakuzu stitched his head back on. After all his other major injuries, He refused to help him out no matter how many times he asked. This was because he didn't want to give him too many of his tentacles, or Kakuzu would grow emotionally attached along with giving part of his physicality to him. He didn't want to grow attached to Hidan. This would be the last time he asked.

Kakuzu bent down so he was now on Hidan's level, and even though he hoped the albino couldn't see it, he smiled faintly under his mask. "Sure..." The older male said wiping a tear off his partners face. Gently, he started to stitch the Jashinist's cuts, trying to do so slowly in order for Hidan not to feel in any pain.
"Kuzu... I'm sorry.. really fucking sorry.." He sniffed. "Can we stop fighting... It's been weeks of this hell. I'll leave you alone if you want, I just don't want you to fucking hate me anymore and I don't want to feel this stupid pain that I can't enjoy.." He said, motioning to his heart.
"I don't hate you Hidan..I..never truly did...and I'm telling you I really don't want you to leave me alone.." The miser took of his mask, leaning forward and kissing Hidan on the lips, it was a short kiss, and soon Kakuzu pulled back "and I'm the one who should be apologizing..I'm sorry...for hurting you. ....God I was being such an ass.."
Hidan stared, blushing. "What the fuck..." He whispered out of complete surprise. "An ass? More like a dickwad. I forgive you." He kissed Kakuzu back, forcing his happy tears and desire to smile down. He already had a bloody breakdown on the floor, he needed to stay calm. "I'm gonna pass out soon, hehe." He gazed into Kakuzu's green eyes, then fell face-forward into his chest, pulling out the stitch as a result. Kakuzu would have to give yet another thread.
Kakuzu smiled slightly at his partner's antics, sighing he lifted the Jahsinist up bridal-style with intent of carrying him to their room. When the Akatsuki member got there, he gently placed Hidan on the bed. Once again he began to work on the stitches.

Deidara, in a state of confusion, blindly followed his partner waving at Hidan on his way out. Then when they were inside their room he turned to look at his partner. "Daaaanaaa~ whyy did we leeeave! It was fun out there! Un..the unicorn was talking with the evil Frankenstein person! I wanted to see them fight un! I wanted to seeeee!"
"You're gonna be seeing stars if you don't shut your mouth right now... God... You have a lot to learn. I sound like a parent talking to a 5 year old, that's how drunk you are. There will be consequences to your foolish actions. But for now, you're gonna sleep." He threw blankets and pillows on he floor. "Aww on the floor un?? But it's coooold! I don't want to sleep on the floor!" The blonde pouted looking at his partner "Why can't I sleep with you danaa~ I don't like sleeping alone!" Deidara laughed walking closer to Sasori with shaky steps. "You're being a meanie you know that??"
"Yeah well that's what you get for going to see strippers and staying out past 12." He guided dizzy Dei back to his spot on the floor. He looked at how much of a mess he was and realized how cold it gets in the mornings. He tried to stop himself from saying it. "I could... sleep on the floor with you, babe." He shook his head "Hell no, nevermind. This is what you get, and I get the comfy bed. God I am becoming too soft..."
"Un..." Deidara looked at the floor and then back at sasori, repeating the action several times. "D-do I have to?" The blonde asked. His face looked like one of a kicked puppy. "I don't want to sleep on the floor.." He sniffed as if about to cry. Sasori was trying with all his will to keep his word. "Damnit..." He thought for a while, as he looked at Dei's puppyface. "Either you sleep on the floor or you don't sleep at all. Eventually you're gonna pass out. The bed is mine tonight. I can't just let you do or have whatever you want after something like this. No, and that's final... I love you now go to sleep and stay warm." he said, then he crawled into their bed and took up most of it. Deidara gave his partner one last dejected look before laying down on the already cold floor. The blonde shivered, wrapping himself with the blanket and burying his head in the pillow. "If I die it's all gonna be your fault.." The artist mumbled into the pillow.
Sasori rolled his eyes. "Oh, the light." He got up to turn off the light and on his way there, stopped by Deidara. "I think you'll survive." He planted a kiss on the blondes forehead and turned off the light. "Now let me sleep." He crawled back in the covers.
Sasori woke up around 11 the next morning, or rather the same morning. He knew Dei would be out till maybe evening. Hidan, probably a day. Yeesh. Kakuzu had a strange feeling in his gut, but it felt nice. 'Shit. I'm deep in love. This is going to be interesting...' He had only one serious relationship decades ago, which ended after about four years. It was a harsh ending. You could say she ripped his heart out... He knew this would be different, but it would be just as difficult at times. He gazed at Hidan, sleeping surprisingly peacefully and sound. 'Jesus, the only time he's ever quiet. I wonder if I insult Jashin in his sleep, he will still curse me for it... Probably.' He got up to get breakfast, and met Sasori in the kitchen.
"You eat?"
"When I'm in my human body, yes. I missed food." The redhead replied as he poured cereal.
"So I imagine."
"Things end well last night?"
"Surprisingly." Kakuzu wasn't feeling very talkative as he was figuring it his inner emotional struggle. This felt new to him, very new. It had been years since love. But this felt right..
Sasori's eyes flicked over to a figure on the ground. "Oh my god Tobi. He was the most sane of all three and he ended up being the one on the floor." They both stared at him for a while, then broke out in mutual laughter.
"You and Dei?"
"He's sleeping on the floor of our bedroom. My orders."

Kakuzu was hesitant for a moment before finally speaking up. "You know..letting him sleep on the floor...wasn't the wisest decision..." Saso almost didn't hear him over his cereal munching. "And why is that?" He asked in between spoonfuls. "Well...as you know, cold air has a higher density than hot air, so the cold air tends to migrate towards the floor..." He paused before speaking up again. "Plus since it's winter..the floor is going to be twice as cold..and do you know what could happen to a person if they sleep like that? Well, they could catch a flu and numerous other sicknesses, damage the liver, get terrible back and hip pains, oh! And also, in a male's case, freeze their dick off."
Sasori stopped eating his cereal. Making a split second of eye contact with Kakuzu, he got up and walked briskly to his room. He picked up Dei, who felt cold, and wrapped him warmly in the bed. He couldn't resist stealing a kiss as well, and came back. "That's nice to know. Thank you Kakuzu. His dick is rather important to me. Well, he is the most important to me.... Man, love made me soft." Kakuzu grumbled "Tell me about it.." He then put his head in his hands, sighing. "I'm supposed to be a heartless, emotionless, S-ranked criminal! And now look! Ugh love is stupid..and confusing.."
"Except for the part where you have like 5 hearts." Sasori couldn't help but add. "And now it seems you have one more~ Hidan's." He changed the subject before the immortal could argue. "I will admit this relationship has made me the happiest I have ever been... The most wonderful thing I have felt." The miser went quiet, looking up to glance at the red head ."Say... at first.. I mean, when you and Deidara first started going out... how was it?"
Sasori knew well what this meant. "Ahhh, so the Immortal Duo is finally together. It was... so wonderful that it scared me. I had never had a serious relationship before, I even remember convincing myself that love is just what science does to your brain so people repopulate. But that's not it... There is so much to it. for example.. When you first cuddle with him, I find it to be an amazing thing. You hear his heartbeat -and in your case he will hear several so thats pretty cool-, learn his breathing patterns, hear him sigh in relief because of the comfort this new love gives him, and most of all, you feel loved and you give love. I have to say, cuddling is like a daily thing for me. I can't help it. It's like sending the message that you belong to each other. God I am getting carried away... I think you two will have less arguments and more agreements or mutual understandings." Kakuzu couldn't help but smile. "Thank you Sasori....you've been a lot of help....although, I think Hidan will be a bit harder to handle than Deidara..." With that, the older of the two stood up. "I should probably go check on him...who knows, maybe he's awake...
Sasori nodded in understanding, especially at the 'hard to handle' part. "You know, he's felt this way for a while. He came to me and Deidara a few weeks ago asking for advice... That was when he decided to tell you. Just thought I should let you know."
"He did? Oh.... I feel even more like an ass now... Thanks for telling me." With that, Kakuzu left the room mumbling something to himself. Sasori almost regretted that, but thought it fortunate because now Hidan will have Kakuzu making up to him. "Heh... This couple will be somthin.."

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