Peace, Finally

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The group went out for dinner, and all tension seemed to have vanished. It was replaced with a sort of peace, a family-like affectionate vibe. Kakuzu sat next to Hidan, and Sasori with Deidara.
It was 7:43 in the evening when they got home. All were full, and exhausted, especially the two artists. They went into their bedroom and changed into comfy nightclothes. Kakuzu and Hidan were already in their covers, cuddling, nearly asleep. 'You were so right Saso. Why didn't I realize this sooner?' Kakuzu thought to himself as a Hidan shifted comfortably in his arms. The Jashinist let out a sound of relief, of happiness, of something he thought he could only imagine. He had been waiting so long for this... And so had Kakuzu, without even meaning to. It had been 63 years since he had cuddled last, kissed a pair of lips, felt this happy. Only this time, it would last. For all eternity.

"Can I sleep with you tonight, danna-doll?"
Sasori blushed lightly, although nearly matching his hair. "Yes, my love. I can't have you sneaking out again, now can I?"
Deidara rolled his eyes with an embarrassed smile. "You don't need to worry about that. I wouldn't rather be anywhere else than with you tonight, un."
The red head had a swarm of butterflies inside him. He pulled the Iwa into his chest with one protective arm. "Dei... I love you. So much." The blonde gazed passionately into Sasori's light brown orbs, admiring him deeply and weak in the knees. "Ah d-danna-ana..." He stuttered in infatuation. "I love you too. And again.. I really am sorr-"
"Shhh." Sasori hushed him gently, pressing one finger to his lips. "I couldn't possibly stay mad at you, babe. There's no need to keep apologizing." Deidara nuzzled the puppeteer affectionately. He planted seven kisses on his danna's lips, as his final apology. They both shared the bed this time, holding each other to keep warm. Their lips danced together as the moonlight shown a spotlight on them, accentuating their beautiful, genuine love.

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