Chaos Part 3

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Trigger Warning: Injuries

*** = start and stop

I can't believe it.

Alexander's dead.

Well, he's going to be dead.

Because I'm going to kill him.

For fricking scaring me to death!

A death for a death, am I right? 😌🙌


"Huh?" He whipped around and recoiled at my angry presence.

"Meet me inside!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, ma'am," he said almost immediately.

I stalked off to the nearest tent, which was thankfully empty. He arrived right behind.

"Y/N-" he began but shut his mouth after not knowing what to say afterward.

I was silent, trying to fight back the tears of anger and frustration but finally let it all out.

"I was so worried about you," I cried.

"Oh, come here," he said softly as he brought me into his arms.

"I thought- I thought you were taken. Or...or worse."

"No, no, I would never do that to you." 

"Good," I sniffled, "because I would never forgive you if you let yourself get killed by some stupid redcoat."

"Same here."

We broke apart.

I sighed. "So where... where were you? Because Lafayette said they couldn't find you."

"I was with Washington. I was surprised he didn't think of that."

I let out a small laugh but then went quiet. "How's Washington?"

"Distraught..." Alex whispered. "He's looking for someone to take command. Either you or Lafayette... maybe both... or one of the French Generals currently in a different town. Someone we can reach quickly, at least."

"What about you? He's still not considering giving you a command?"

"Uh, maybe he's just going to... surprise me with it?"

"Yeah, I hope he does," I said honestly. "You're more than deserving of it. And you'd be great."

"Come on," he smiled warmly, "I think it's time we go meet up with the others."

I nodded in agreement, and he led me out. 

He noticed my limp and gave me a sad, apologetic smile. And we continued walking.

Most people were sitting in groups around the ground, so it was easy to see everyone. We eventually came across the ones most important to us sitting crossed-legged, picking at the wildflowers. 

"Alexander," Lafayette said in surprise. John stayed silent and continued to look down into the grass.

"Yeah, I found him," I smiled ever the slightest. I sat down, careful as to not twist my knee the wrong way. 

There was a long pause of silence before I spoke again. "I'm so glad you are all ok. That was just- just a... a nightmare and," I let out a long breath, "and I just love you all so much. You're my family, my best friends..."

"Mmm," John hummed without looking up. I ignored him, though. 

Lafayette gave me a small smile.

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