Girlfriend or?

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Marsha p.o.v

The next morning I went to school early like super early.

I carried a smile all the way to my destination.

I felt like all the weight on my shoulders had been lifting but silly me forgot about the bullies.

Next few hours went by slowly, I mean sat in a locker all scrunched up would feel like ages.

I did catch up on my homework and makeup.

I carry a touch just for these occasions.

I wasn't expecting to be let out till lunch when the bullies would let me out for a pee.

I was fit to burst.

Light shone in the locker and a familiar face helped me out and to the toilet for a pee and a stretch.

Hey Chrissy

Hey you really need to report these thugs

Haha and get beat up for being a grass no way

Fine I will then

No because they will come after me anyway.

I'll be there to protect you.

What every second of everyday till they somehow forget, I don't think so. Anyway I thought you said ignore them.

Well it's different for you because they physically bully you with me they just called me names till they got bored.


Marsha are you okay?



I blacked out and next thing bright lights zoomed past me.

W..w..what's going...

Shush Marsha everything is going to be fine, save your strength.

I stared ages at a corner of the ceiling at a black mark which seemed to change shape and move closer but when I blinked it went back to its original spot and shape again.

Mr felting , your daughter Marsha fainted due to an abnormal reflex motion in the brain we need to find out what is causing this, so we'll do more test and observations.

Right, will she be okay?

I can't say for sure until further test.


You might need to go home and get Marsha some stuff as she'll be here for quite some time.

Okay ill see you soon Marsha

Okay dad bye

I didn't even know he was there till the doctor came in.

Chrissy stayed with me and we chatted about the other day in hushed voices.

When my dad came back she hugged me and left to go home.

Awkward silence.

More awkward silence.

Even more silence.

Could you get me a drink

Yes I've brought some water it's cheaper in the shops

Okay thanks.

My mouth was insanely dry and my heart pumped hard against my chest just by picking up the bottle. Dad noticed and helped me drink it.

I was exhausted quickly and I'd dehydrate every 20 minutes.

Two days later...

I awoke to find a big clump of my hair had come out.

I cried and cried and cried.

I knew what was wrong I just needed it confirming.

I went for a head ct scan and they found a tumour. A really big tumour.

I was transferred to the intensive care ward.

When Chrissy came she fell on the chair and cried into my chest, I cried with her.

My sisters visited for short periods of time as I could tell they were uncomfortable and about to burst into tears.

My head went bald over the next few weeks.

I was going to start chemo soon but I was told that it might not work.

Stage two cancer in the brain.

Chemo and radiotherapy didn't work.

I vomited and needed constant care.

Everyday I woke it felt like a miracle.

Today the doctor had something to say.

There's one last thing we can do but it's very risky.

What is it?

We will remove the tumour via a brain operation. We will take a section of your scalp and take out the tumour.

Do it anything to save Marsha.

I nodded and the forms were signed.

Three weeks later...

The day of the op

I had a bath and then my dad kissed my head and so did Chrissy and I blacked out due to anesthetic...

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