Chapter 28

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Steve, Yumi, Jason, Clyde, Billy, and James all walked down the always seemingly neverending, white halls. Every footstep they made echoed calmly as they walked to the main hall of the facility. Steve glanced back at his team and noticed how determined they looked at being by his side. 

Yumi met his glance and smiled softly. His orange eyes showed excitement as he smiled right back at her. He appreciated her greatly and wished for the world to be as honest as she was. Her kindness on the other hand was easy to be given to the wrong people, but he knew Yumi was not dumb enough to be kind to the wrong people. At the very least, he hoped that would be the case. He wondered if he could feel love again, and if he could, he would prefer to love Yumi. Steve would hope that she would still be by his side when he feels love once again. 

On the next corner, Steve took a turn and saw a group of people that stood right in front of them with rifles and pistols all pointed at him and his friends. A young female voice that had a powerful sense of dominance in her tone spoke out. The small freckled redhead had her assault rifle pointed at Steve, "Stop right there!"

Steve halted his motion with wide eyes. He stared at the team in front of him and his friends. It was obvious they went through a bit of hell to get to him. Steve stayed still but calmly gestured his hands to his friends from behind to keep their weapons lowered and hidden. 

There was a moment of tense and frustrating silence as Steve quietly examined their team. The smaller girl with red hair was obviously the leader of the team. Her armor and clothes seemed to have small tatters of aged blood soaking in the dark fabric. The taller male at the left of her held a sawed-off shotgun, pointed towards the general direction of Steve and his friends. His eyes were as brown as his long thick wavy hair that stopped at the man's neck. His hair was longer than the girl's hair. Behind the girl to her right was another male. This one was much older than the rest. He had no weapon out but glared at Steve. The man was Latino and was very fit. The shape of his muscles did not hide under his armor, which was noticeably different compared to the other armor the rest of them wore. He was the only one who did not wear the standard BSAA bullet vest and padding. There were two more males behind the small woman. One had brown hair and held an assault rifle with a big scope attached to it. Steve could see the inside of the man's barrel. He was the sharpshooter of the team. Next to him was a black-haired male that was slightly taller. He held some sort of tactical shotgun and had it relaxed to his side. 

These people confused Steve a bit. Some of them had their arms relaxed as if they didn't see Steve and his friends as a threat while the others all looked as if they were ready to unload all of their ammunition to kill Steve. Steve took this moment to speak honestly, "...I was wondering when you were all coming," He heard several guns click and readied. Safeties were off, now.

The lady with red short hair lowered her gun but kept it pointed at Steve, "So, you noticed the coded, hidden message?"

Steve gave a soft grin and relaxed as he spoke. The tone gave still sounded a bit uneasy, "Morse code is technically a code, but it's, kind of, asking to be found when it's coming from the ID of Albert Wesker," Steve joked, which did give this rather tired woman a grin. 

"You're Steve Burnside, yes?" The woman spoke calmly as she completely lowered her gun, which had most of her team do the same. Steve gave the redhead a confirming nod. She spoke up, "Good! Steve Burnside, you are now under the custody of the BSAA and will be evaluated and interrogated for further questioning. We would appreciate your full cooperation and to not make this any harder than it needs to be."

Steve blinked as he thought about her words. She only implied Steve and nobody else. He preferred things to go quietly and calmly but he had terms and conditions that needed to be met. Steve took a step forward and firmly spoke, "What about the folks behind me? What're you gonna do to them?"

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